These women candidly reveal the various things they notice at a man's apartment that act as green flags.
Women who are thinking about getting into a serious relationship with a man often keep an eye out for green flags. These are subtle yet significant signs hinting at how stable the relationship will be. The place where a man lives often contains many of these green flags that women look out for and can provide interesting insights about him. u/BrokenHarp wanted to know more about this and asked the community, "Women, what things do you notice or look for at a man's apartment that are green flags?" Here are 10 of the most helpful answers that people shared.
"Hand towels and hand soap in the bathroom." -u/Old-Library5546. "And a trash can in the bathroom." -u/abby-rose. "This was a huge revelation for me when I first got a girlfriend. She came over and gave me the protips. The only trash I ever generated inside a bathroom was used toilet paper to be flushed. I guess I'd occasionally swap out my toothbrush and razor, but I'd just take those out of the bathroom and toss them in the room bin. It never occurred to me before she pointed it out." -u/ooOJuicyOoo
"Cleanliness and attention to detail. If they designed a place behind bare essentials and they keep it clean then they likely take pride in it and won’t be a slob or expect a woman to clean up their mess." -u/Leeser. "I know way too many guys who get to cleaning when a woman is coming over. Especially early on in the relationship. The girl doesn't get to know the real him (at least housekeeping-wise) until they cohabit. People underestimate how many breakups are caused by someone in the relationship not pulling their weight with the chores." -u/_hootyowlscissors
"Good cable management." -u/Bromanian-chronicles. "See this is something that probably goes unnoticed a lot, but if this is present, it says so much about a person's personality and habits." -u/hillswalker87. "Ohh, yeah? I thought my cable management skills were only going to impress the brothers. I had no idea girls were into that too." -u/UntestedMethod
"An affectionate well-behaved pet! It’s amazing how much a person treats another living creature can tell you about who they are!" -u/But_what_if_I_fly. "Cats are a wonderful indicator of how a person handles consent, rejection and nonverbal communication. People constantly tattle on themselves, not even realizing it." -u/bdubelyew
"Plants. It's the next best thing to having a pet. Plants need care, they're alive and having one (or many) shows there is a nurturing side to them." -u/4th_chakra. "I feel like anyone seeing my 8 aloe plants and two other massive plants might send mixed signals." -u/rr_rai
"This is going to sound weird, but I like homes that look like someone actually lives there. I don't like homes/apartments that are perfectly pristine. I dated a guy very briefly who was severe about things being perfect. He'd vacuumed daily, sometimes twice a day, then go around on his hands and knees looking for any lint/dirt the vacuum left behind. Everything on his shelves had to be perfectly aligned and color-coordinated. If a toothbrush was not perfectly straight, he'd fly off the handle. I couldn't handle it. Clean - yes. I like clean, but at the same time, I want it to look lived in." -u/Wahots79
"Decor that relays a sense of style and comfort; family and friends pictures; clean bathroom, bed, and kitchen. Bonus points if you have items that show your hobbies that aren't fetishizing, hoarding, or violent. I'm in my late 30s, so by this age, you expect people to have a developed home life you can see around them, even if they live with family. If people aren't able or willing to invest in themselves, it's doubtful they can be a healthy, happy partner to you." -u/glass-boxofemotion
"My husband had a beautiful vegetable garden in his backyard, a book collection, some fantastic Lego sets and a clean house. I could immediately tell he was looking for a partner, not a caregiver. He lived a healthy lifestyle, he was intelligent and we shared interests. He also owned the house, which meant he was financially literate. We are now happily married. Definitely a keeper!" -u/skundrik
"Cooking utensils, a clean bathroom, (living) houseplants, pets, books, record or CD collection with good range, art on walls. This means he can take care of himself and other living things. He is educated and appreciates culture." -u/Tabtheriel. "I don't mean much by this just wanted to say all my music is on my phone and old MP3 player. I wonder how many others are the same. I do have old vinyl, but it's been packed away for years." -Reddit user.
"Extra stuff. Adults should have extra toiletries and stuff so they don't run out. Being on the last of something all the time is a red flag. Green would be full soaps in the bathroom, separate hand washing and dish soap in the kitchen, plants, clean towels to offer and stuff like that." -u/plantycatlady
Editor's note: This article was originally published on May 24, 2024. It has since been updated.