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Women call out the sexism that has become a part of everyday life

While women take the lead for being the most affected by the vicious patriarchal society, men need to join in and hold other men accountable.

Women call out the sexism that has become a part of everyday life
Image source: Twitter

Sexism is rampant and has trickled into all areas of life. It is a false idea that women are inferior to men because of their sex. It is a harmful belief to hold that disproportionately impacts women and girls. As per the Council of Europe, sexism is also the root cause of gender inequality. People are put into boxes based on their sex and gender which may sometimes be violently enforced. There are also different levels of sexism. While some are obvious and there is also subtle sexism that could be even more insidious. The overt and covert forms of sexism could be potentially fatal if left unchecked.




The issue of women's safety has taken the forefront following the brutal murder of Sarah Everard. But women's safety is as much a men's issue as it is a woman's. While women take the lead for being the most affected by the vicious patriarchal society, men need to join in and hold other men accountable. Here are several instances of women calling men out for their sexism. It would be in the best of all our interests if men could stop to observe and educate themselves instead of lashing out for being corrected.

1. Girls are not weak. Physically or otherwise.



2. Women are too sensitive? Then explain this...

Source: Reddit/u/bommelst


3. Uncle Randy has to go



4. It is a basic life skill



5. Please get your priorities straight




6. It's almost like the world hates women


Source: Reddit/u/ddestiny_kb


7. Do they mature faster or are they made to mature faster?




8. Meeting at an intersection


Source: Reddit/u/Alex45784


9. Consent is everything




10. How does it feel to not have to look over your shoulder all the time?


Source: Reddit/u/apocalypticalley


11. Men get emotional too




12. Mansplaining at its funniest


Source: Reddit/u/Alex45784


13. When saying no just doesn't cut it




14. Shaming the victim starts young




15. Teach boys that no means no




16. Make up your mind, misogynist




17. It's almost like they have an agenda


Source: Reddit/u/cestrumnocturnum


18.  Make it make sense


Source: Reddit/u/Robintevenson


19. Not all men? But definitely this one.


Source: Reddit/u/girl_with_a_401k


20. You played yourself with this one


Source: Reddit/u/ChibiSailorMercury

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