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Women are sharing their experiences of going through a 'second puberty' in mid-20s: 'Embrace change'

Bodies change as we grow up and these women are embracing their adult bodies and letting go of the patriarchal concept of beauty.

Women are sharing their experiences of going through a 'second puberty' in mid-20s: 'Embrace change'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @_its_rayy_

If you're in your mid-twenties, your body might be experiencing some changes for good. Video creators are sharing their experience on what has been dubbed an unofficial "second puberty" for women in their twenties. Ray—who goes by @_its_rayy_ on TikTok— a 24-year-old content creator, discussed the unexpected glow-up that some women experience in their mid-20s. Ray captioned her video: "Biological Glowup" and it has been viewed 2.4 million times. However, it is not puberty in the scientific sense. Second puberty is simply a slang term for the way your body changes as you get older.

Image Source: TikTok | @_its_rayy_
Image Source: TikTok | @_its_rayy_

Ray explains that her transformation served as a wake-up call. "Can we talk about the second puberty women go through in their mid-20s? 23 and 24 have been my most transformative years," she explains. "I thought that at 19 I was, like, 'Well, I'm done. I've peaked in evolution. It ends with me.'"

She continues, "Your body goes through all these changes, and you’re like, 'Oh my gosh, what the hell is going on?' and then, all of a sudden, you’re hotter than you’ve ever been, so embrace that change." The changes aren't just physical, according to Ray and your mentality may also shift. "You’re gonna change mentally. Things that you thought you wanted your entire life, poof, gone. You don’t want them anymore," she adds. "And that’s fine. Embrace that change because with that change comes a whole brand new you."

Image Source: TikTok | @meredithboydd
Image Source: TikTok | @meredithboydd

Another woman named Meredith Boydd—who goes by @meredithboydd on TikTok—also addressed the alleged second puberty in early June, urging viewers to accept that our bodies change and our weight fluctuates as we age. Meredith Boyd captioned the video, "Yay for becoming a woman" and said in it, "It’s been so ingrained into my mind that I need to be, like, ridiculously skinny. That's one of the things that people like about me or that I'm known for."

She adds, "But now I'm just like healthy. It’s something that I think about a lot." Many women on TikTok agreed that they experience noticeable changes as well. "No cause all of us glowed up out of nowhere and I'm here for it," wrote @shafs.jpeg. "Me at 25, never felt more beautiful and confident in my life," commented @unanni3

Alyssa Dweck, a gynecologist in New York City, claims that second puberty does not exist. It's just a colloquialism. Seeking the advice of a medical professional may assist you in determining why and if the second puberty-like changes in your body are the result of a hormonal shift.

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

"My guess is some of the people relaying their experiences [on TikTok] are going through hormonal shifts," she told Self, disclosing that "people go through hormonal shifts during various life changes. Checking in with a gyno is a really good idea because sometimes things can be mitigated." She also urged women to check with doctors if the changes are causing them concern.

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

Exterior second puberty-like changes may feel like they're happening in your mid-20s, according to Healthline, because "you typically reach your peak physical ability during this time." Physical changes may include maximum bone mass. Your body reaches its peak bone mass in your 20s. Maximum muscle strength - like males, your muscles are strongest during this time.

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