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Woman's reaction after accidentally saying 'bye, love you' on a client call is a laugh riot

A woman earns laughs and support from all over the internet after mistakenly signing off on a client call with the phrase 'love.'

Woman's reaction after accidentally saying 'bye, love you' on a client call is a laugh riot
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @mjenks246

Today's work life is incomplete without Zoom calls. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, globalization spread the network of corporate life all over the world, making such calls a necessity. Though handling some very serious issues, these calls often take a funny turn. It was evident in a video uploaded by @mjenks246 on TikTok, where she is struggling to hold it all together after realizing her client-call mishap. Though later on, she laughed it off, but the actual moment must have been embarrassing for her. The video garnered over 6 million views, as people can't get enough of her corporate goof-up. She captioned the clip with a dose of dry humor, "Time to flee the country."

Image Source: TikTok/@mjenks246
Image Source: TikTok | @mjenks246

The woman shared the whole situation through the text overlay. It read, "She just said, 'bye love you' on a client call." The protocol to conclude a client meeting is with phrases like 'goodbye' or 'have a good day,' definitely not 'bye love you.' There is no place for such a phrase in a professional setup because it is an open invitation to awkwardness. The woman seems to have understood all this as she was embarassed after committing the cringe deed.

Image Source: TikTok/@mjenks246
Image Source: TikTok | @mjenks246

She was out of words, as she could not quite understand how to hit back from it. There was no way for her to justify signing off the client with 'love.' However, in the last shot, everything seemed to have simmered down as she was captured laughing at her gaffe. The woman has more such gems on her profile, showcasing her work life. In some videos, she is giving a glimpse of her work-from-home setup. In others, she is goofing around with her friends and boyfriend.

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Image Source: TikTok/@trapmoneychelle
Image Source: TikTok | @trapmoneychelle

The comment section was in splits, seeing the woman's mistake and her reaction afterward. @cinnabon called for a change in the practices and commented, "Normalize ending meetings with 'I love you'!" @rhocelli shared their own interview mishap and wrote, "Omg, this just reminded me of when I said 'bye team' during my final interview and I wasn't even hired yet." @gaemkyo shared how such mishaps are not uncommon, "I remember wanting to say 'you're welcome' but started thinking about saying 'No problem.' So, I ended up saying, 'You're the problem'."

Image Source: TikTok/@kohls
Image Source: TikTok | @kohls

@onthelordsday shared their awkward situation and said, "I once hugged the man interviewing me after the interview was over. I don’t even like hugs." @lethi_mngadi shared, "I said 'babe' to my boss once when I was tryna get him to listen."

The woman should not be too down on herself, though. Many before her have gotten into trouble on live calls. Nobody can forget the famous BBC interview, where the father had to pause his thoughts on South Korea when both of his children entered the room, followed by their mother, who took them away as swiftly as possible. Another instance had a lawyer come on the live call with a cat filter and argue his case with that because of his lack of knowledge. Such mishaps happen because at the end of the day, people on the other side are just humans and they are bound to err. The best thing to do in such cases is laugh at it, like @mjenks29.


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