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Woman’s positive outlook on being fired has people applauding and encouraging her

The woman was unjustly fired after serving in the field for almost 20 years but instead of feeling sad about it, she handled it confidently.

Woman’s positive outlook on being fired has people applauding and encouraging her
Representative Cover Image Source:Pexels| Tima Miroshnichenko, Reddit|u/mistress_of_styx

People are always encouraged to find the silver lining in every dark cloud. No matter what untoward experiences one faces, one is always pushed to find the good behind the same. However, this is easier said than done and deserves appreciation when accomplished. A woman, u/mistress_of_styx, shared a post explaining how she turned a completely disastrous experience into an optimistic one. The woman mentioned that she worked as a government employee and had recently taken up a new job in the field. However, due to her previous manager’s unprofessional misconduct, she faced trouble at her new workplace

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Kampus Production
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Kampus Production

“My ex-boss called my new employer and lied about a conviction I don’t even have and I lost my new job,” she wrote. She added that due to the false claim, she was fired. The woman had just gotten into the job role and as a breadwinner for 5, the loss of her job was a horrible and heartbreaking reality. The woman mentioned that she had been working in the government field for 20 years and after facing the disrespect, she decided not to return. Though the situation was a gut-wrenching one, the woman chose to get something good out of it.

“I will never work for the authorities again, I am so f***ing happy, I feel so free,” she exclaimed. The employee went on to share how she chose to look at all the pros of leaving her job. With regards to her family, lifestyle, well-being and more, she put her focus on how she’d get a healthy living again. Even though she was unemployed and would have to look for another job, the woman optimistically listed how her well-being would improve. “Never again coming home with bruisers and spit in my hair, never always failing to do my job because of stupid bureaucracy.”

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Tima Miroshnichenko
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Tima Miroshnichenko

She further added how her job was affecting her mental peace and how she was beyond delighted that she wouldn’t have to deal with the same again. “Never meeting anxious kids and parents every day, the school system sucks and I feel so good not being a part of it anymore,” she announced. Several people applauded her for making a firm decision and prioritizing her health and well-being. Others even commented on how she chose to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. u/FiniteaLuckwithAmmo wrote, “I'm glad you made it out of that toxic world. Depending on where you live, you get a golden ticket to sue both, ex-employers and the most recent ones.”  

u/Gr00vD1va added, “While I know you’re happy to be outside that toxic world, I also know that you deserve all the pay of which you’ve been robbed, as well as the respite you find in a different work environment.” u/SomeAd484 remarked, “Good on you, your job sounded so stressful and you’ve done it for long enough it’s time to do something that makes you happy, a job where you look forward to getting up and going too.”

Image Source: Reddit|u/markriffle
Image Source: Reddit|u/markriffle
Image Source: Reddit|u/Duckriders4r
Image Source: Reddit|u/Duckriders4r

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