Employee faces toxic behavior from her once-sweet supervisor after she decides to quit her job for better opportunities.
As long as employees work in accordance with the whims and demands of supervisors, everything is hunky dory. But the moment things go haywire, their true colors begin to surface. This is what u/No-Lobster-177 experienced when she took a call for the betterment of her own career. Her supervisor Mary, with whom she shared a great relationship, suddenly turned sour towards her, making her last few days a living hell. Fortunately, in the end, everything went her way when the supervisor was fired and the employee was able to move herself as far away from the situation as possible.
The employee explained how she was transferred from one post to another at her previous company. Due to another individual's mistake, the employee was given an accounting position, for which she had no training. After spending 3 months in that position, she realized that the job was not something she liked. Therefore, she decided to look for other opportunities. She quickly secured one and informed her employer.
The owner was very receptive to the information and accepted the employee's resignation. Surprisingly, Mary got angry hearing the news. She went to the employee and said, "Why didn't you tell me? You're being incredibly unfair and selfish. I can't believe you would do this to us, this is unacceptable. Don't ask me for a referral because you are not getting one from me." The woman tried to explain her side of the story, that this was an opportunity she simply could not pass up.
The supervisor then went on a mission to sabotage the employee. "I politely told her that the opportunity was something I simply couldn't pass up. She then went to the owner and asked for any details I might've given to him about the new company and new position (I believe to try to sabotage me leaving) and thankfully I hadn't discussed any details about it with anyone. It was awkward after that, but I didn't think anything of it," explained the employee. Thereafter, Mary decided to make her remaining two weeks a living hell. The first day after this, she took away all of the employee's authorizations. This caused major issues in daily tasks.
The employee did not want any confrontation, so she straight away went to the boss and got them back. This further fueled the fire, as the supervisor believed that the employee went behind her back. The supervisor's next move was to remove the employee's computer access and shift her desk. "The next day, I came in to notice that my desk was moved and my computer access was taken away yet again," shared the woman. Not wanting to involve herself in the discussion, the employee put her foot down and did not do any work. The supervisor had an issue with this too and went to the boss to complain. The boss fortunately took the employee's side.
Seeing how this was escalating, the boss asked the supervisor to work from home. In that setup also, she began to interfere with u/No-Lobster-177's job. The employee could no longer take this anymore and decided to use up her PTO to serve her notice period. Even this was not enough to keep the supervisor away, as the next day she called to talk about an "Accounting Emergency." When the employee called back, the supervisor went on a hurtful rant, saying things like she was ungrateful, had a bad attitude, and would go nowhere in life. " I called her back about 4 hours later, which she was fuming about, and went on a massive rant about how I'm extremely entitled, I will never get anywhere with my attitude and she's embarrassed for our company to say that I ever worked here, that if she ever finds out where I will be working she will make sure that I'm fired and will never get a job in this town again... Screaming so loud her voice was shaking, saying silly things like I have no respect for her or the company and that I will rot in hell."
The employee just laughed and put down the phone. Thereafter, she called the owner and told him everything. The owner fired the supervisor who "ended up destroying a bunch of company property on her way out." At present, she is facing a lawsuit. The employee was glad that the supervisor finally got her due.
The comment section loved how the supervisor got her comeuppance. u/7399Jenelopy believes that the future is bad for the supervisor, "LOL! Wow... That lady burned a lot of bridges. She'll have crappy luck getting a new job. I bet she applied to your new company at some point." u/YearnToMoveMore wrote about their own toxic experience, "I'm reminded of a former supervisor of mine. He was subtly toxic throughout the six years I worked under him, then he went on to work somewhere else. Another two years passed where I worked in his position, then I made a peaceful transition to another company (for about twice the pay, yay!)."