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Woman's most fitting definition of feminism is a lesson for people who misunderstand the concept

Being a 'hardcore feminist' herself, the woman gave a witty response to a viral video that portrayed a wrong picture of feminism.

Woman's most fitting definition of feminism is a lesson for people who misunderstand the concept
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @vintage_tawni

Sometimes people mistake feminism for hating men or being less feminine. Despite some true feminists trying to insist that it's all about having equal opportunities, many on social media misinterpret the objectives of feminists and try to shame them. Tawni Michelle @vintage_tawni came across one such video where feminism was misinterpreted and her sassy response to it was a great comeback to all those who ridiculed feminists. Her response video took Instagram by storm with over 7.7 million views and many agreed with her in the comments. 

Image Source: TikTok | @vintage_tawni
Image Source: TikTok | @vintage_tawni

Lily Kate (@itslilykate), a "feminine-ist" on Instagram, shared a reel boasting about how she was not a feminist. She pointed out sarcastically that feminists don't love to cook and that they feel threatened by men. "I am not a feminist, I can wear dresses and feel pretty," said Lily mocking feminists based on her misunderstood notions. Responding to Kate's "not a feminist" video, Tawni wrote in the caption, "It's always the basic bland white flour 'pick me' girls like @itslilykate that think they are onto something, without realizing that everything they do is because of feminist." Agreeing snarkily that Lily was "definitely not a feminist," Tawni added, "It's because that little tiny brain in there has no idea what feminism is." 

Image Source: TikTok | @vintage_tawni
Image Source: TikTok | @vintage_tawni

Negating Lily Kate's opinion about feminists not preferring to wear dresses, Tawni said, "That dress you're wearing, the only reason you're allowed to wear that is because of feminism." The feminist influencer pointed out how women wouldn't have been able to reveal even their shoulders, if not for feminists. "You wouldn't be able to wear those jeans you're wearing," she added. Tawni mentioned that feminists who stood up for women's equality made it possible for women to own a credit card, get an education and also be employed. She emphasized how working women had to give their paychecks to their husbands before feminism changed the equation. 

Image Source: TikTok | @vintage_tawni
Image Source: TikTok | @vintage_tawni

"Because before feminism, you wouldn't be able to voice your opinion at all because it didn't matter," said Tawni. Breaking the stereotypic misjudgment about feminists, the woman said that she was a "hardcore feminist" and did all the things that Lily Kate pointed out as something that feminists were against. "I bake from scratch. I cook like I'm a chef. And I get dressed up to the nines in glamorous evening gowns to attend the fanciest events in New York City," said Tawni. She added that it might be hard for Lily Kate and others who shame feminists to understand these facts about feminism and hoped that they would come to terms with it someday.

Image Source: Instagram | @timerican_doll_posse
Image Source: Instagram | @timerican_doll_posse
Image Source: Instagram | @karla.ochoa.verdecia
Image Source: Instagram | @karla.ochoa.verdecia
Image Source: Instagram | @cocainekokachi
Image Source: Instagram | @cocainekokachi

Tawni's realistic take on feminism was lauded by many in the comments. "Every time I campaigned and fundraised for issues like men’s mental health, better resources for single dads and male suicide prevention, my very activist feminist friends are my biggest and most enthusiastic supporters. Anyone who thinks feminists hate men has a terrible understanding of what feminism is," wrote @merchillio. "I’m a hardcore feminist, do my makeup every day, stay at home and clean the house, make dinners from scratch each night but still understand that this life isn’t for every woman and don’t get why some women just can’t comprehend it," commented @amanda.delozier. "Maybe she's talking about 'feminism where women are taught to hate men' not the real feminism that brought so many good things for women," @mayu_ikenaga wrote about Lily Kate's perspective.

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