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Woman's ingenious song is a call for science to actually study the dynamics of female body

She spoke for every woman when her lyrics screamed, 'We never really studied the female body' as a call for society to change.

Woman's ingenious song is a call for science to actually study the dynamics of female body
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @ilovefarideh

The female body is more intricate than that of males. With added functions like menstruation and pregnancy, it becomes more complex. However, the complexities of the same are not taught with much practicality. Though people may be educated about the female body in schools and colleges, it is only the basics. Females are left to discover much of their bodily changes and experiences independently. To bring to light this reality, an artist Farideh—who goes by @ilovefarideh on Instagram—composed a brilliant song titled, “The Female Body.”

Image Source: Instagram|@ilovefarideh
Image Source: Instagram | @ilovefarideh

The parody was intended to voice the need to learn about a woman’s body and their needs with interest. Though Farideh went off the hook and impulsively danced herself out in the video, the lyrics were worth pondering. “Morning sickness, endometriosis, menopause, migraines, PCOS. What’s happening to your body? We don’t know, because we’ve never studied the female body,” the woman blurted the lyrics. She ingeniously highlighted how many symptoms of women-related issues are passed off by saying, “It’s in your head,” when in fact, there is no understanding as to why they’re taking place.

Image Source: Instagram|@ilovefarideh
Image Source: Instagram | @ilovefarideh

Women are plagued with several issues from a very young age but often, family members, fellow women and even doctors ignore them. That is what Farideh pointed out in the following verses of her song. “We go to the doctor to get dismissed, try losing weight, you’re just anxious,” she pointed out all the futile replies women receive. Furthermore, the woman exclaimed, “I’m not pissed, just wait 10 years for a diagnosis.” Calling out several conditions women face that are not even heard of was a call loud enough to take more interest in female body research.

Image Source: Instagram|@ilovefarideh
Image Source: Instagram|@ilovefarideh

Farideh was on a roll as she highlighted how being “psychosomatic” is “dramatic” and “hormonal and erratic,” are the only titles women receive when they speak out about their troubles. She further added to the list of problems women face. “Heart disease, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety. Do you have pain? No, you don’t because we don’t study the female body,” she exclaimed. The fact that there is so much that goes on with the female body that it can be listed and rhymed into a song is mind-boggling.

Image Source: Instagram|@ilovefarideh
Image Source: Instagram|@ilovefarideh

Towards the end of her song, after repeatedly putting out that “we have never really studied the female body,” Farideh had a remarkable ending. With a man’s voice to conclude, the lyrics ironically went, “It’s just like a man’s body with b**bs right?” This stereotypical lie is what has caused ignorance in studying a woman’s dynamic body. “Who knew women's health could hit so hard!” she wrote in her caption. Several women found relief that someone was finally pointing out their long-yearning plea. Many felt heard and related to the words of Farideh’s song. @brittanyfurlan said, “Sending this to my doctor.”

@cenzmaite sarcastically said, “It's better to gaslight instead of keep studying.” @cami.perezlujan wrote, “As a PhD student who is starting to study the female body, I agree with this. It surprises me every day.” @kittenxlady added, “Painfully accurate.” @keanuwingchick exclaimed, “She came for the entire failure of the medical community with a banger and bars. Not one lie told!”

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You can follow Farideh (@ilovefarideh) on Instagram for more content on music and lifestyle.

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