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Woman's heartfelt reminder to love our bodies the way they are is blissfully soothing

She shared a heartbreaking depiction of how we spend our lives wishing we looked like anything else but ourselves.

Woman's heartfelt reminder to love our bodies the way they are is blissfully soothing
Cover Image Source: TikTok|@gracetutty

When it comes to physical appearances, we often disregard quite a few parts of ourselves. The aim is often to be like someone else or to be any different than how we are. A young woman named Grace eloquently reminded people why they need to embrace their bodies just as they are. She highlighted how much of our lives go into wishing we were different and that we fail to see how wonderful and unique we already are. Focusing on body image, Grace walks through the several ages of life, explaining how we learn to love our bodies only when it's too late. 

Image Source: TikTok|@gracetutty
Image Source: TikTok | @gracetutty

Starting with teenage, when most body image stereotypes develop, Grace said, “When you were 12, you wanted a smaller tummy, less body hair or thinner thighs.” Moving on to the raw age of 16, one filled with bodily changes, Grace shared that people still look forward to something more rather than appreciating what they have. She said, “When you were 16, you wanted a smaller waist, a bigger bum or a smaller nose.” At 26, Grace pointed out that self-acceptance is still missed out, in the delusional aim of looking “perfect.” "When you were 26, you wanted tighter skin, your teenage body back and to be less wobbly," she remarked.

Image Source: TikTok|@gracetutty
Image Source: TikTok|@gracetutty

Through each glance, Grace beautifully pictured how we find ourselves hesitantly staring into mirrors. She depicted how we look at ourselves with doubt and dissatisfaction simply because the world ruthlessly promotes unrealistic standards. At the age of 30, Grace shares that some people realize how much they loved their younger selves but still miss the point of appreciating themselves the way they are. "When you turn 30, you'll realize how cute you were at 26. When you're 40, you'll ask yourself why you ever thought you weren't beautiful at 30," Grace recalled.

Image Source: TikTok|@gracetutty
Image Source: TikTok|@gracetutty

 “When you're 50, you'll just want your joint pain to go away," Grace added. In the process of complaining and wanting anything but what we have, we miss out on admiring the present. It is only at the latter stages of life that one realizes that things were great, it was just us who failed to relish the same. “When you're 80, you realize you regretted every time you ever looked at your body,” she exclaimed. The body constantly keeps changing and it is on us to appreciate it at every stage before it's too late. Sharing an even more insightful caption, Grace wrote, “Life is too short to spend it hating yourself.” 

Image Source: TikTok|@madaraspookiebear
Image Source: TikTok | @madaraspookiebear
Image Source: TikTok|@cxloebunnyy
Image Source: TikTok | @cxloebunnyy

She added in the captions, “If you were about to die, would your final wish be to have more time to spend hating yourself when you looked in the mirror? No! So why do you waste so much time of your life on earth doing so?" People were overwhelmed with realization and got a reality check of the muse they are. @siobhanjamesx wrote, “This actually made me cry. I spent my entire life wanting to be thinner.” @sariouardi added, “We should be kind to our bodies and appreciate ourselves all the time.” @laurawallace777 remarked, “This really makes you think.” @kinga_balogh exclaimed, “Live for all the beautiful moments with your body!”

@gracetutty ✨ Life is too short to spend it hating yourself✨ If you were about to die, would your final wish be to have more time to spend hating yourself when you looked in the mirror? No! So why do you waste so much time of your life on earth doing so? 🥺 #bodypositivity #selflove #bodyimage ♬ original sound - natalia


You can follow Grace (@gracetutty) on TikTok for more content on self-love and lifestyle.

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