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Woman's 'date with octopus' leads to fascinating discovery of shrine: 'He wanted me to follow him'

When the woman first talked about the 'date,' many thought she was 'making the story up' but she had proof ready.

Woman's 'date with octopus' leads to fascinating discovery of shrine: 'He wanted me to follow him'
Cover Image Source: Instagram| @onebreathdriver

Animals have a unique sense of communication and are willing to interact with humans, if they only observe and pay careful attention. Jules Casey (@onebreathdiver) , a diver, shared how a Maori octopus interacted with her to lead her to a rather intriguing finding. On Instagram, the woman shared her discovery which started with a small yet keen observation and went on to "a date with an octopus." “This huge Maori Octopus wanted to show me something he had found,” Casey said in one of her posts, with a glimpse of the octopus. After following the squid, she came across something splendid. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Pia B
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Pia B

“I was a little shocked at what he wanted to show me. It was a headstone with a picture of a young man holding a small white dog,” Casey remarked. She also shared a glance at the headstone, leaving people baffled in curiosity to know more. In a follow-up post, the woman captured and shared how the octopus held her hand and led her to the headstone. Titling her post, “A date with an octopus,” Casey unfolded the happenings during her vibrant experience. “Yesterday I posted a couple of photos of this incredible interaction with a huge Maori Octopus. I know some of you thought I was making the story up but it was no fairytale,” she said.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Maël  BALLAND
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Maël BALLAND

Casey further explained that she came across the octopus towards the end of her dive and its actions indicated that it had something in store for her to see. “He reached out his arm to hold my hand and in that moment it felt like he wanted me to follow him,” she highlighted. When the woman met the octopus again, she noticed a few changes. “Since we last met, he has lost the tips off most of his arms and has a few white patches. I'm guessing that he's been mating and is getting close to the end of his life,” she suggested. 

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The place Casey was led to sort of looked like a shrine where she spotted the headstone. Unsatiated with all the information provided by the diver, people asked her to share more details. @tamara_griffiths_ said, “Are you going to spend more time with him? I have a feeling he has more messages for you.” @ellibentu remarked, “I'm so into knowing more about that picture.”

Casey did share another update with glimpses of the shrine area, the headstone and more. “Several weeks ago, I stumbled upon a few metal pickets in a line, spaced 5 meters apart,” she wrote in her caption. She added that on a further quest, she discovered a trail with statues, more metal pickets and pipes. Casey also captured the octopus hiding in a large PVC pipe nearby which was actually their shelter

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To Casey’s luck, the octopus had led her to “the final piece of the puzzle.” “The artificial reef is called Lorenz's Loop, built as a dedication to the man in the picture who is Lorenz,” she exclaimed. The statues and shrine were connected to the man on the headstone. Casey shared the story with a local diver who turned out to be the creator of the shrine. “I couldn’t believe it. But he showed me a little map he’d drawn of the structures in a loop for his friend Lorenz who’d passed away," she remarked, per News Australia. @jolane_ wrote, “Did you know that Lorenz's loop is a famous mathematical theory, by Edward Lorenz.” @debramary49 remarked, “This makes you wonder- how much do they know and what are they trying to communicate to us humans?”

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You can follow Jules Casey (@onebreathdiver) on Instagram to know more about her 'date' with the octopus and her other discoveries underwater. 

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