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Woman's comforting list of reminders for her kid shows the unconditional love of mothers

The mother left a note for her kid with a list of things they need to do with other important reminders.

Woman's comforting list of reminders for her kid shows the unconditional love of mothers
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio; Reddit | u/Lol_u_ded

A mother’s care knows no age limit, extending even into her children's adulthood. Reddit user u/Lol_u_ded shared a heartwarming example, posting a picture of reminders their mom wrote for them. It is captioned, "I know I am too old for this, but my mom is so sweet. She thinks of everything." The woman listed several things that her kid would need to do.

Representative Image Source: Pexels |
Representative Image Source: Pexels |

The first thing she mentioned in her list was to fill the gas in the car and then added, "If you need me, call me!" She then said, "I made your breakfast. Just heat for a short time in the microwave." She signed off with a heart symbol and wrote, "Mom." The mother also wrote in the end, "Pancakes are cold. Heat them." These small reminders don't imply incompetence but are simply a mother's way of expressing her love and care.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

The post garnered nearly 6K upvotes on the platform and people could resonate with what the kid shared. u/smellssogood2 commented, "Be thankful. Some people don't have this. Those of you with great moms, cherish them. They won't be around forever." u/Darkitten1984 couldn't agree more and added, "Your mom is a sweetheart. She wants to make sure that you eat something prior to heading out to school/work." u/Impressive-Farmer-45 had something similar to say. "Maybe unpopular opinion, but being a parent is for life, even when your children are parents. Unconditional love. Nothing wrong with mom looking out for you because she can."

Image Source: Reddit | u/hotwifesierra
Image Source: Reddit | u/hotwifesierra
Image Source: Reddit | u/Lol_u_ded
Image Source: Reddit | u/Lol_u_ded

u/sarahjp21 said, "You're never too old for a mom's expression of love. This is how we show you we care the same way your whole life. Just because you're capable of doing it yourself now doesn't mean we don't still like to show love to our babies." u/Guzmanv_17 shared, "As I get older, I realize something my mom told me a long time ago is very true. You're never too old to need your mom."

Image Source: Reddit | u/muddymar
Image Source: Reddit | u/muddymar

Another mom made sure to give her child safety briefing in a way that she would not forget them. Kassi Nicholson—who goes by @kassiwithak on TikTok—captioned the post, "Just your average mom PSA." These are the things her mom reminded them of, "Do not add to the population. Do not subtract from the population. Do not end up in the hospital, newspaper or jail." She adds, "If you do end up in jail, establish dominance quickly!"

People in the comments found the mom's safety instructions hilarious. @OptimisticSunshine commented, "My aunt would say, 'Don't let your name get back before you do.'" @StephanieAnn wrote, "Do not do anything you cannot explain to a nurse or your mother." @mrsbutterfield shared, "I tell my students before breaks 'I'd like to see you in the same condition or better than you are currently in.'"

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