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Woman's act of kindness after noticing her neighbor's cats outside in biting cold garners praise

The neighbors had left their cats outside in freezing weather but Marlenne decided that she would get the felines to safety.

Woman's act of kindness after noticing her neighbor's cats outside in biting cold garners praise
Cover Image Source: TikTok| @marlennerod

When it is a biting cold temperature, people take several measures to keep themselves warm. Pets, too, need an added sense of warmth and comfort during the snowing and shivering weather and an act of kindness always ensures the same. A woman named Marlenne has been extending this kindness to her neighbor's cats, who were roaming out in the snow in a freezing 8 degrees Celsius temperature. The enchanting journey with the felines has caused much intrigue among viewers. People are relieved to see the cats find a warm place to stay after the devastating weather.

Image Source: TikTok| @marlennerod
Image Source: TikTok| @marlennerod

In her very first video, the woman shared that her neighbors had left their cat duo outside and though, this may have been a normal practice, the freezing temperature was concerning. As one of the cats approached the woman’s door, she tried her level best to lure it inside. However, the feline being scared and cold refused to step in. “Come on, come inside. I know it’s cold outside,” she said. However, even after several attempts, the cat was too doubtful of getting in. “It’s warm here. It’s okay, come on,” the woman said as she repeatedly persisted in getting the cold feline indoors. The other cat completely neglected the woman’s invitation.

Image Source: TikTok| @marlennerod
Image Source: TikTok| @marlennerod

Marlenne then decided to bring them in by offering them food. She placed a piece of food on the rug and continued to calmly invite them in. As one of the cats slowly stepped in, the woman encouraged it by saying, “There you go. Come on, come inside.” Eventually, after much persuasion and patience, the cat came in and ate but stayed by the doorstep. Commenters were grateful to the woman for her extended kindness and gentleness with the animals. Many people even suggested ideas to make the felines comfortable enough to come inside. @sherrysmith3952 said, “I’m so glad you let them in.” @radiantphnx said, “Thank you for helping them.” 

Image Source: TikTok| @stacywright664
Image Source: TikTok| @stacywright664
Image Source: TikTok| @kjm_art
Image Source: TikTok| @kjm_art

Marlenne was not finished. Though one cat came in, it didn't stay for long and was still frightened. She revealed in the comments that the neighbor left the cat out after it got pregnant and littered so she took things into her hands and made it her commitment to help the two cats. In her follow-up video, the woman shared that she was able to get one of the cats inside but they were still scared. The woman had laid blankets and other items for the cat to feel comfortable but the new surroundings were scary. Marlenne kept speaking with the cat gently to let it know that there was nothing to be afraid of. “It’s okay. You’re safe in here. we’re going to try and get your brother in here too,” she said. 

Image Source: TikTok| @marlennerod
Image Source: TikTok| @marlennerod

Commenters, who were invested in this effort by the woman, shared their opinions. @calimexnthbtluvxoxo said, "I'm so invested, you guys are angels.” @lo4love76 said, “I think that it wants its brother for sure. Thank you for doing this.” The woman shared a series of videos later where she shared the journey she had with the same cat slowly and steadily trusting her more and more. She shared how the cat got comfortable with the house, as well as Marlenne and would step out and come back to get food and even rest. While she continues to earn the trust of the other feline, her goal to get the cats to safety is showing much progress thanks to her kindness and love!

Image Source: TikTok| @hoozierlisbetarian
Image Source: TikTok| @hoozierlisbetarian
Image Source: TikTok| @amiscribner
Image Source: TikTok| @amiscribner

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