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Woman ends up winning the lottery after being forced to buy a ticket thanks to her mischievous dog

Little did the woman know that chasing down her Golden Retriever into a store would bring her a fortune.

Woman ends up winning the lottery after being forced to buy a ticket thanks to her mischievous dog
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Peaton Hugo, Asia One

Even those who don't believe in luck or fate will come across a moment in life that will make them question that cynicism. One such unexpected miracle happened in China to a woman, known by her surname Lin, on a random shopping trip. What brought her the fortune was her loving pet, a Golden Retriever that broke off of its leash and dashed straight into a lottery shop, according to Asia One.

Image Source: Christmas lottery tickets know as El Gordo are for sale at Puerta del Sol square on December 12, 2015 in Madrid, Spain. The traditional Christmas holiday period in Spain stretches from December 24 until after the Three Wise Kings parade in epiphany on January 6th. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Image Source: Christmas lottery tickets known as El Gordo are for sale at Puerta del Sol Square on December 12, 2015, in Madrid, Spain. The traditional Christmas holiday period in Spain stretches from December 24 until after the Three Wise Kings parade in Epiphany on January 6th. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)

When Lin and her furry companion were out shopping at a convenience store in Guandong on February 15th, the dog unexpectedly decided to be mischievous. As the Golden Retriever broke free from the leash and started running around, Lin had to chase it down, all the way to a lottery store. To Lin's distress, the pooch had bitten off a lottery ticket in the store and his bite marks on the ticket left Lin with no other choice but to pay for it. But, fortune favored the dog parent when she discovered the bitten scratch-off ticket won her a whopping $139.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena  Lopes
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes

Recalling her excitement about the unexpected prize money, Lin told the media channel, "I was so surprised. I've never won such a large sum of money in a lottery." She attempted to test her dog's luck further, and took it to choose another scratch-off lottery ticket. This time the dog won 30 Yuan (around 4 USD) for Lin and though not as lucky as the previous incident, the pooch's picks still turned out to be fruitful. As per the news channel, Lin didn't take any further chances at the lottery and used the money she won to buy canned food and treats for her pet.

On a similar note, a couple from Newcastle upon Tyne, England made the headlines when they both won the lottery earlier this month. Christine and Tony Hedley had no idea that their luck would be multiplied by two when they participated in the People's Postcode Lottery. The wife was flabbergasted knowing that she and her husband won 166,666 Euros each at the same time. The couple had many interesting plans in mind on how they were going to utilize the prize money.

Image Source: People's Postcode Lottery
Image Source: People's Postcode Lottery

The wife told the lottery agency that she wanted get a new bathroom, revamp the garden and go on a big family holiday with her children and grandchildren to the Maldives. As per the Irish News, the husband took the life-changing decision of quitting his truck driver job after decades of toiling. To know that this win had lifted the weight off his shoulders was heartwarming. Apart from their wishes, the old couple mainly expressed their desire to do something for their children and grandchildren with the prize money.

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