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Woman who texted late dad's phone every day for 4 years gets reply on his death anniversary

When Chastity Patterson received a text from her late father's phone number, she was completely taken aback by what it read.

Woman who texted late dad's phone every day for 4 years gets reply on his death anniversary

Editor's note: This article was originally published on October 28, 2019. It has since been updated.

When her father died, 23-year-old Chastity Patterson used texting her late father every day as a coping mechanism to help her overcome her loss. For four years, she texted his old number, never expecting to receive a response but as a vent for her grief - that is until she received a response. No, it wasn't her father talking to her from the netherworld or the afterlife. It turned out that someone else was allocated her late father's phone number and for four years, he had received every single text she had sent. Once he responded to her messages, he let Chastity know, much to her surprise, that he, too, was bereaved. He had lost his daughter in a car accident five years ago, The Daily Mail reports. The world works in mysterious ways sometimes, doesn't it?


To her last text, the man responded, "Hi sweetheart, I am not your father, but I have been getting all your messages for the past four years. I look forward to your morning messages and your nightly updates. My name is Brad and I lost my daughter in a car wreck in August 2014 and your messages kept me alive. When you text me, I know it's a message from God. I'm sorry you lost someone so close to you, but I have listened to you over the years and I have watched you grow and go through more than anyone. I have wanted to text you back for years, but I didn't want to break your heart."


Brad went on to praise the young woman for her development and growth. The text continued, "You are an extraordinary woman and I wish my daughter would have become the woman you are, thank you for your everyday updates, you remind me that there is a God and it wasn't his fault that my little girl is gone. He gave me you, my little angel and I knew this day was coming. Everything will be okay, you to push yourself every day and shine the light God gave you. I'm sorry you have to go through this, but if it makes it any better, I am very proud of you."


Needless to say, Chastity was shocked. She took to the social media platform Facebook to share the beautiful, heartwarming message. Her post is reaching users across the world. In an update, she wrote, "[My dad] never missed a school dance, prom, my games and YES he would give me long talks about my mouth and attitude. I had to introduce my boyfriend(s) to him (If I was allowed to date) and he would act like a normal dad and give us the long talk. I've cried with him, told him everything and even became very independent because he took the time to love me and show me what happiness looks like. SO YES Jason was my father but he was a role model for many kids in our town. I shared my messages for my friends and family to see that there is a God and it might take four years, but he shows up right on time!" Her experience just goes to show that the universe does indeed have different plans for you than you may have for yourself.


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