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Woman who lost her friend claims she visits as a bird tapping on her window—and the internet can relate

Weeks after her friend's passing, she spoke to her—then, the next day, she believed her friend kept her promise and visited.

Woman who lost her friend claims she visits as a bird tapping on her window—and the internet can relate
A tiny bird sitting by the window (Cover Image Source: TikTok | @imdyanaitsme)

They say true love defies all—even death. While discussions around reincarnation remain debatable, some believe that souls bound by fate reunite across lifetimes with their love unchanged, finding each other every time. Similarly, a woman named Dyana Klein—who goes by @imdyanaitsme on TikTok—asked her friend, Christine Hallas, to visit her before her tragic demise. However, staying true to her promise, Klein believes Hallas returned—this time as a bird, gently tapping on her window. 

Woman believes her late friend visits her as a bird (Image Source: TikTok | @imdyanaitsme)
A woman believes her late friend visits her as a bird (Image Source: TikTok | @imdyanaitsme)

In the video, Klein shared that weeks after losing her dear friend, she reminisced about their promise and spoke to her. The next day, something remarkable happened—Klein believed her friend, Hallas, had kept her promise, visiting just as she had promised she would. "She began visiting every day, multiple times throughout the day for an entire month," Klein shared. Moreover, she added that the tiny bird, which she believed to be the reincarnation of her friend, did not come alone; it brought a few feathered friends along. Hoping to capture her friend's regular visits, Klein even set up a Nest cam, but eventually, she got busy in life, and the bird stopped coming. 

A woman believes her late friend visits her as a bird (Image Source: TikTok | @imdyanaitsme)
A woman believes her late friend visits her as a bird (Image Source: TikTok | @imdyanaitsme)

However, seven months later, the adorable bird appeared again, tapping on the window to get Klein's husband's attention. "Doing the exact same things—tapping, sitting on the chair we had for her and never taking it away, flying from window to window in whatever room we're in, tapping away," she said while sharing a glimpse of her reincarnated friend sitting on her window. Furthermore, she revealed that every time she talked to the bird, it would directly look at her as if trying to hold a deep conversation. "Do yourself a favor. Trust it. If you don't, what's the point of asking or hoping? I always make sure to talk to her like she's in my living room. I hope this is a sign of good things to come," Klein wrote in the caption.

Meanwhile, reacting to the video, @harleydavidson revealed, "The same thing happened to me in my grief with a butterfly after my daughter died in September, which, once I knew, she literally landed on my lips." @inkedmedium shared, "They don’t physically come back as the bird; they use their wonderful energy to send it your way, and then, they use their energy again to make you look at it, so that is her handiwork sending that beauty." @r0s3budz said, "I am crying for strangers on TikTok again. This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing!"

Image Source: TikTok | @yourfriendwithendo
Image Source: TikTok | @yourfriendwithendo
Image Source: TikTok | @aprilhoward2
Image Source: TikTok | @aprilhoward2

@amypeeps3 who had a similar experience, added, "When my grandma passed, all 6 of her kids gathered in our living room after leaving the nursing home. They looked out the window to see doves covering our Bradford pear and then fly away together." @katy commented, "I look for signs everywhere from my best friend. It’s been two years, and I'm still waiting!" On the other hand, @woofnftstoner wrote, "Lost my mom to pancreatic cancer back in 2021. I asked her to send me a squirrel as a sign. The day she died, when I came home, there was a squirrel in my tree, and it started screaming at me." @user64675384372 shared, "A medium told me I’d see a bird on my wedding day, and it was my dad. He always told me when he dies he’ll be a bird. A huge hawk watched my entire wedding ceremony."

@imdyanaitsme Do yourself a favor. Trust it. If you don’t, what’s the point of asking or hoping? I always make sure to talk to her like she’s in my living room. I hope this is a sign of good things to come. 🕊️#spiritualtiktok #afterlife #paranormal #signs #spiritok #bird ♬ take a moment to breathe. - dalia


You can follow Dyana Klein (@imdyanaitsme) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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