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Woman leaves everyone confused by saying she pays the bills for her 'man'

People were ready to go all out on the man who refused to pay bills and sat idly doing nothing until they saw the man.

Woman leaves everyone confused by saying she pays the bills for her 'man'
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @rockymountainshorgi

When you live with someone, it is imperative to split responsibilities and pitch in the best way you can. However, when an Instagram user, Sarah shared that she and “her man” had rather contradictory opinions, it baffled people. The woman shared a video on Instagram explaining how she and her man split expenses. “How me and my man split the bills - together for two years,” the text overlay read. However, she also had a wholesome twist at the end that caught people off guard.

Image Source: Instagram|@rockymountainshorgi
Image Source: Instagram | @rockymountainshorgi

Sarah began with the grocery category that read 100/0 indicating that she pays the entire bill for the groceries. “I think it's important that both of us eat healthy so I pay for all the groceries. If he brought them, he'd end up only eating french fries and cheese blocks,” she explained. The idea was quite unusual and the explanation seemed even more silly. However, Sarah went on to the next category- Travel. Again for travel, Sarah mentioned that she pays for all the traveling expenses while her man puts in 0. Her reason was, “Vacations are something I ask for, not the other way around so it makes sense that I pay.”

Image Source: Instagram|@rockymountainshorgi
Image Source: Instagram | @rockymountainshorgi


However, this idea seemed a little agitating for quite a few people. Nevertheless, Sarah shared that the next set of expenses were gifts. Sarah again revealed that she pays for all the gifts while her man puts in 0. “Since I do all the shopping, naturally I am the one always buying presents,” she said. The woman also mentioned that she loves giving gifts and doesn't mind not receiving any. Lastly, Sarah came to the most important expense - rent. Again, she mentioned that she pays all the rent because her man is unemployed and there was no other option.

Several people were almost burning up at the idea of a man simply living off someone else’s earnings until Sarah revealed the image of her man. With a bright beaming smile, there stood Rocky, a furry mixed breed who was proudly Sarah’s “man.” Commenters changed their reactions in a jiffy and it was a wholesome laughter echoing throughout. @negrraitta said, “I deleted my comment, liked the post and said, good boy.” @adamsilvera remarked, “I desperately needed that last slide or I wasn’t gonna be able to mind my business.”

Image Source: Instagram|@rockymountainshorgi
Image Source: Instagram | @rockymountainshorgi


@jgraceshaw said, “The speed at which the flag went from red to green.” @gabboid exclaimed, “He provides love and good looks.” @soraya.shrn right said, “The only man who's allowed to not help with rent.”  @stonersilva hilariously apologized and said, “Sorry for all the things I was going to call you and him.” @oonakoivulaa said, “I planned a long paragraph, I wrote notes, I was prepared to intervene. Then I saw the end and realized I was also being used by a furry man.”

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A post shared by Rocky the Super Mutt 🐾 (@rockymountainshorgi)


You can follow Sarah and Rocky (@rockymountainshorgi) on Instagram for more content on pets and animals.

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