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Woman who donated her kidney to a stranger gets an unexpected surprise from them

Two families are united through an extraordinary act of donating kidneys to each other's loved ones, saving their lives.

Woman who donated her kidney to a stranger gets an unexpected surprise from them
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Grabowska; KOLD NEWS 13 | Frank Pompa

God forbid, if an individual faces organ failure, they often look to their loved ones or someone that they know for an organ transplant. In many cases, they manage to find a donor and make the transplant to save the individual's life. However, in some rare instances, people in need of an organ transplant have to rely on the kindness of strangers to save their lives. Kidney failure proved to be the start of quite a worrisome chapter for Frank Pompa and Tony Gonzalez.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets

According to KGun9, the diagnosis left them both to become dependent on dialysis machines. Joely Sanders, who was Pompa's sister, thought she could save her brother's life by donating her kidney. Unfortunately, she was not a match for him. Nevertheless, she volunteered to donate her kidney to someone else who needed it. That someone turned out to be Gonzalez, who turned out to be a match for her kidney.

In a fortunate twist of events, Gonzalez's wife Tracey, decided to donate her kidney, which happened to be a perfect match for Pompa. No time was wasted and surgeons from Banner University removed Joely's kidney, which was transported to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Chicago. The same was done for Tracey's kidney, which was taken to Pompa. In an interview with KOLD NEWS 13 on YouTube, Pompa broke down into tears, saying, "I couldn't thank Banner Health enough for taking care of me and you guys. It's been a long journey."


The families got to meet over video conferencing and both have found immense joy in having their loved ones being healthy again. Pompa talked about how the donor did not really get anything at the end of the way. However, engaging in such a noble sacrifice would be something they proudly remembered for the rest of their life. Tracie also revealed how she maintained her health to ensure her kidneys were in the best condition.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mart Production
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mart Production

Another case when organ donation comes up is when a loved one passes away. u/Charmed264 shared a heartwarming story that may make people reconsider their stance on donating a loved one's organs after they have passed away. The kid of the deceased stated how their father always talked about wanting to donate at least one organ to somebody after he passed away. He had passed away from stage four esophageal cancer and he believed that the cancer prevented him from making organ donations.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Charmed264
Image Source: Reddit | u/Charmed264

Even though the disease had severely affected their father's body, his eyes still remained perfectly functional. So, his wish to donate organs after his demise came true. They write, "The eye bank said he was able to help two people." What made the incident even more wholesome was when the family received a letter from one of the recipients. They mention how their father would have been very proud to see that his donation had made a difference.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | João Jesus
Representative Image Source: Pexels | João Jesus

The card read, "There are not enough words to express my gratitude for the gift of sight. I would like to express my sincere condolences and sympathy for the loss of your loved one. I will be forever grateful for their thoughtful kindness and generous spirit. Thank you." The identity of the recipient remained confidential, but that didn't really matter. The child shared they would hold onto the card and remember their father as their hero.

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