After she came back from the restroom, the girls walked up to her, complimented her hair and gave her a note.
When a person starts dating someone new, they might hope that everything goes well. However, they also might have doubts about what their date is really like if they have no previous information or background about the person. A woman who was on her third date with a man faced a similar doubt when two strangers handed her a note regarding her date after she went to the restroom. The woman, who goes by @cuteascluck on TikTok, took to the platform to share the incident with the internet and ask for advice.
"Girls hand me a note while I am on a date, what does it mean," the text overlay of the video read. "I was on a date, third date and the girls next to me handed me this," the woman said showing a small note. "I need advice. What do you do with that?" The woman explained that it was her third date with the man. They met on FaceTime the first time, at a restaurant the second time and at a bar in a restaurant the third time when the incident took place.
"I started to overthink everything," the person expressed. "Do these girls know him? But they didn't put that in the note," she wondered. "The girls were behind me. I didn't see them or notice them. I went up to go to the bathroom," the woman recounted. "I came back and when I sat down, they got up to leave." One of the girls stopped and as the woman's hair was behind her back, she touched it and gave her a compliment about her hair and then passed on a folded-up note. "The guy I am with is like, what is that?" she continued. "I don't know. So I barely opened it up and I just saw in big letters, 'Just no.'" When the woman caught a glimpse of those words, they didn't want to open the note further in front of their date.
The woman put the note in her purse and the guy wondered what it was. She simply brushed it off saying that she would read it later. "So then he leaves it alone." She waited to go to the bathroom a second time and looked at the note there which read, "Just no, you can do better." The person asked people for their thoughts on this. "Did he do something when I went up to go to the bathroom? Did he hit on them? Do they know him from around the town?" She also wondered if the girls were judging the couple based on looks and just being sweet to her. "Did they see something that was like a pink flag?" She went on, "I couldn't even concentrate on the date after that.
People took to the comments section of the video to offer their advice. @rdtohappiness wrote, "Any girl giving me a note secretly on a date, I’m gonna believe the girl. She felt compelled enough to get involved which means it’s something." @blackoccultist commented, "Put him on one of those 'we dating the same guy' neighborhood pages and see what happens." @sparkellly remarked, "So he must have done something while you were gone. Trust them and your gut."
You can follow @cuteascluck on TikTok for more lifestyle content.