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Woman wants to call off wedding after fiancé kills her plants while she was away, asks if she's overreacting

An individual thought about calling off their wedding after their significant other neglected and killed their plants. Will he ever understand what went wrong?

Woman wants to call off wedding after fiancé kills her plants while she was away, asks if she's overreacting
A close-up photograph of leaves with droplets. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Sohail Nachiti; (Inset) Reddit | u/Popular-Doughnut3005)

Laziness and a complacent attitude are undoubtedly the biggest enemies of any relationship. They are not only major turn-offs for loved ones but can also cause friction between couples if not resolved early on. An individual, u/Popular-Doughnut3005, felt the same after their soon-to-be-husband decided to ignore their advice and took very little care of their most endeared plants. Due to the fiancé’s negligence, the plant lover felt the need to halt their much-anticipated wedding. They turned to the r/AITAH Reddit community to seek their advice following their urge to call off the formal union with their fiancé.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vera Arsic
Picture of a young couple arguing. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vera Arsic)

In the post, the individual expressed their frustration with their fiancé's negligence toward their beloved plants. They had been nurturing two water-propagated plants for two years and was devastated when he failed to properly care for them while they visited their parents in another city. "I have two plants back home which are water propagated. So, basically, he didn’t even have to water them,” they explained. “He still let the water dry out and my plants died. I’m genuinely so upset that I want to call off the wedding,” the person shared.

A woman wears her engagement ring to her left index finger. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Karl Tapales)
A woman is taking off her engagement ring. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Karl Tapales)

Instead of offering any sympathy, the fiancé dismissed their feelings, believing they were overreacting. “He thinks that it’s not a big deal and that I’m overreacting over nothing," they wrote. This wasn't the first time they had clashed over plant care. The individual revealed that they had forgiven him in the past when it was his first time taking care of one of their demanding plants. However, they pointed out that this time, he had been witness to the plants' growth over the past two years, which made the neglect feel even more hurtful.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Picture of a gardener taking care of her plants. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio)

“Now, he has been watching me grow these plants for the past two years, yet he still doesn’t bother to keep the containers filled,” the person said, expressing frustration over their partner's lack of responsibility. Their frustration was clear when they initially hinted at parting ways. “I didn’t mean to imply that I’m going to make a huge decision like calling off the wedding instantly,” they later clarified, explaining the post was written in the heat of the moment. The individual admitted to feeling disrespected, having invested so much time, energy and care into their plants.  “This wasn’t just about the plants—it was about what they represented (trust, care, effort), and it stung even more because it’s not the first time something like this has happened,” the plant lover concluded, ultimately receiving a half-hearted apology from their fiancé. 

Image Source: Reddit | u/raulpe
Image Source: Reddit | u/raulpe
Image Source: Reddit | u/potatochique
Image Source: Reddit | u/potatochique

When someone in the comments section asked if their fiancé took no care of plants on purpose, the person said, “It feels like that. That’s why I have a strong urge to call off the wedding.” The post garnered widespread attention on the platform. Among the variety of reactions, u/enchantbbabe wrote, “It’s not just about the plants, it’s about him not respecting your stuff or even trying.” “You’re allowed to be hurt by it, especially if it feels like he’s not taking your feelings seriously. It’s okay to need time to process things and figure out how you feel,” u/tinyesstteen expressed. “When you express your feelings, he belittles them and dismisses your distress,” u/Temporary_Nebula_295 added.

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