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Woman uses math to explain the odds of surviving the pandemic with and without a vaccine

She made the video in response to a netizen who claimed that 99% of people who got Covid are still alive, vaccine or not.

Woman uses math to explain the odds of surviving the pandemic with and without a vaccine
Cover Image Source: TikTok/hill_deeee

For months, experts across the world have been trying to convince people to get vaccinated against COVID-19. However, despite clear evidence that they are our best hope of ending the pandemic and getting back to life as we knew it, a plague of false information and conspiracy theories has made many hesitant to get the shots. One TikToker recently attempted to dispel such misinformation by laying out the odds of catching and surviving the novel Coronavirus if one were unvaccinated vs fully vaccinated. Hillary Dabbs made the video in response to a netizen who claimed that 99% of people who got Covid are still alive, vaccine or not.

In the video, which went viral across social media last week, Dabbs said: "I'm so fu**ing tired of this argument because, yes, you can still get COVID if you are fully vaccinated, but do you know the statistics to that? Do you know the odds of getting COVID if you're fully vaccinated? Because I do. I'm not a medical expert, but I'm really fu**ing good at numbers. So let me show you. There are 330 million people in the United States, right? Divide that by the 41 million COVID cases that we've had. And that gives you a one in eight chance of catching COVID."


"In the United States, one in eight people have gotten COVID," the mom-of-two continued. "Of those 41 million people, you've had 670,000 or so deaths. Right? That's a one in 61, one in 61 people in the United States have died from COVID. One in 61 people who have gotten COVID in the United States have died. Okay, let's take this further. There are 173 million people who are fully vaccinated in the United States. Right? Do you know how many breakthrough cases there have been since August 30?"


Dabbs went on to illustrate that the chances of contracting COVID-19 and dying because of it are significantly lower if one were fully vaccinated. "As of August 30, there's been 12,908. That gives you a one in 13,402 chance of catching COVID if you are fully vaccinated. One in 13,402 versus one in eight. Let's take it a step further. There have been 2,437 deaths related to COVID. They are people who are COVID positive and fully vaccinated. 480 of those aren't related to COVID, which means that they died from a car accident or something totally unrelated to COVID," she explained.


"So we're gonna round that to 2000. 173 million people in the United States are fully vaccinated. Divide that by the 2000 that have died fully vaccinated from COVID. That gives you a one in 86,500 chance of getting COVID and dying if you were fully vaccinated," Dabbs added. Concluding her explanation, she said: "So, unvaccinated, you have a one in eight chance of catching COVID, you have a one in 61 chance of dying from COVID and fully vaccinated, you have a one in 13,402 chance of catching COVID and a one in 86,500 chance of dying from COVID."


"How about we all just realize that billions of shots have been given worldwide. Billions of people have been fully vaccinated, and we have a way to end this pandemic. We have a way for children to stop losing their fu**ing parents. Go get the fu**ing shot," Dabbs concluded. Sharing the video on YouTube, she wrote: "We know the vaccine works, we know it's effective, billions of doses given, prove it's safe. If you can't or won't get the vaccine, please utilize other safety methods such as hand washing/sanitizing, sanitizing surfaces, opening windows, wearing your mask, socially distancing, avoiding large crowds. Most importantly, help stop the spread of misinformation. Please consult with your doctor on whether the vaccine is right for you. Together we can end this."


She also revealed that she lost her father to COVID-19. "Also, I am angry. My father died from Covid," Dabbs said. "I have spent months advocating for the vaccine. I deal with trolls daily. I realize raising my voice and swearing isn’t the best way to get my message across but I am grieving and just trying to stop more from feeling this pain."

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