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Woman treats a homeless man trying to break into neighbor's apartment with compassion and feeds him

The woman decides to deal with a home intruder by showing some kindness instead of calling the cops on him.

Woman treats a homeless man trying to break into neighbor's apartment with compassion and feeds him
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @wherestayo

Most of the time, when someone breaks into other people's houses, they do it because they are in need of a basic necessity. They are either looking for temporary shelter or some food. Simply put, homeless people who are down on their luck often turn to these petty criminal activities to ensure their survival. A woman residing in Texas named Taylor, who goes by @wherestayo on TikTok, had an unforgettable encounter with a homeless man who was trying to break into her neighboring apartment. What followed after made social media users laud Taylor for her kind nature. 

Image Source: TikTok | @wherestayo
Image Source: TikTok | @wherestayo

In her viral video, Taylor describes the aftermath of catching the man in the act of breaking into an empty apartment near her home. But instead of calling the cops, she took a rather compassionate approach. "My cat runs in the door and like, gives me this look that I've never seen her give me," she recalled in the video, "So, I knew something was up outside. I opened the door, and I kid you not, I watched a man look through the windows of my neighbor's apartment, walk down and try to open the door. I was like...what do I do? He's clearly breaking in."

Instead of confronting him head-on or alerting other neighbors about the situation, she simply decided to ask the man "what he needs." Taylor's intention was to help him rather than berate him. But she wasn't prepared to see the man approach her house. When he reached close enough, the man asked if he could get something to drink. "I had a cold coconut water in my fridge," Taylor said. "I was like, 'wait right here.' I shut the door but the universe was telling me to do something."

Image Source: TikTok | @wherestayo
Image Source: TikTok | @wherestayo

Taylor went back outside and found the man still on her patio. "He's just sitting on my patio chairs, enjoying himself. So, I sat it down next to him." Afterwards, she engaged him in a conversation and the man revealed that he thought the apartment he was trying to break into was abandoned. "He had crazy intuition or something," she continues, adding how the occupants had just moved out of the place. Upon asking if he needed anything else, the homeless man told her that he was hungry.

"Are you hungry? 'Yes, ma'am,'" Taylor recalled their conversation. She went back into her apartment and grabbed a burrito from her fridge. But the man seemed uninterested. "I could tell something was off." So, Taylor decided to use a toaster and heat up the burrito which the man devoured in a short time. "I asked him if he could go anywhere in the city right now, where would he go?" she said. When the man told her about his destination, Taylor booked him a ride with Uber and soon, he was on his way.

Image Source: TikTok | @wherestayo
Image Source: TikTok | @wherestayo

"I don't think he was breaking in to rob," she said in her follow-up video. "I think he's just breaking in to have somewhere to sleep." TikTok users loved what she did for the man in need rather than just handing him over to the cops and applauded her act of kindness. @jewel_bruhhh wrote: "That is so dangerous but I’m so glad you were able to help someone." @mena.does.art0304 added: "This is actually incredible de-escalation and I’m impressed with your ability to keep so calm." @mothmern praised and wrote: "This is really good de-escalation actually and you probably saved the guy from doing something illegal when he was just trying to survive. Kudos to you." 

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Timur Weber
Representational Image Source: Pexels | Timur Weber

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