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She traveled 3000 miles only to end up at the wrong wedding. They still invited her in for a drink.

A slight typo led Arti to the wrong reception, but the bride and groom there invited her in for a drink anyway.

She traveled 3000 miles only to end up at the wrong wedding. They still invited her in for a drink.
Cover Image Source: Tiktok/@firstseedfoods

Have you ever been excited to be somewhere? Have you ever gotten so caught up in your excitement to be someplace to celebrate with your loved ones that you mistype your location on Uber and end up someplace entirely different? Well, something just like that happened to Arti Mala as well.

Arti Mala flew 3000 miles to attend a wedding in Scotland but ended up at the wrong wedding reception. While the bride and groom who were complete strangers invited her for a drink, it still was a hilarious fiasco. When she shared the video on Tiktok of her funny wedding mix-up story, it received over half a million views in no time.

Image Source: Tiktok/@firstseedfoods
Image Source: Tiktok/@firstseedfoods

In the video, she wrote, "POV: You traveled >3000 miles and accidentally showed up at the wrong wedding." The video showed Arti all dressed up at a wedding she wasn't invited to and meeting some of the wedding party, including the groom, the bride and her brother. The men were dressed in kilts while the bride was in a stunning white dress. She captioned the post, "Congratulations Caitlin and Stephen. Thanks for being such good sports and inviting me in for a drink."


@knebworthkate commented on Arti's first video saying, "I feel like I’m early for something that’s going to go totally viral" And much to Arti's surprise, Kate was correct. Mala woke up to over 100k views on her TikTok which had gone viral. So, she decided to make a follow-up video two days later. In that, she explained that the mix-up happened because she decided to go back to her Airbnb after the ceremony since she wanted to change. In all that hurry to reach the venue back in time for the reception, she ended up putting a slightly different address in her Uber. This silly mistake resulted in her reaching a wedding she wasn't invited to, which was a 25-minute walk away from the wedding she was actually supposed to be attending.

To make matters worse, she was supposedly the "unofficial videographer" at the wedding she was invited to. She said that the wedding she was meant to attend was a cross-cultural event and that she was to capture the cultural moments of their English, Punjabi and Scottish heritage. "I was meant to be capturing all those moments on video and I wasn't there for it," she said.

Image Source: Tiktok/@firstseedfoods
Image Source: Tiktok/@firstseedfoods

When she reached the wrong wedding, she was already late. "Once I got there, I sprinted into the hall because I knew I was running late and immediately no one looked familiar, which is ok because I'm coming from out of town so I didn't know a lot of the wedding guests," Arti said. However, when she saw the wedding welcome sign, she realized something wasn't right. It was then that it dawned upon her that she was at the wrong wedding.

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When she finally did reach the correct wedding, she had already missed the couple's entrance and speeches. However, both of them were "super chill" about the mix-up, according to Arti. The only one borderline upset about this was the father of the groom, with whom Mala managed to smooth things over in the evening over drinks. Summing the whole day up, Mala said it was an "insane start to the day but a very magical and memorable evening." Back home, she also uploaded a reel that summarised the wedding that she had come to attend. Despite the mix-up, it sure looked like a very fun wedding!

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