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Woman throws childish tantrum in Costco after being told to wear a mask

An anti-masker Karen was recently spotted at a Costco in Hillsboro, Oregon, where she threw a tantrum so dramatic that even preschoolers would've dropped their lollipops to take notes.

Woman throws childish tantrum in Costco after being told to wear a mask
Cover Image Source: Facebook/Souriya Songkham

2020—the year that held so much promise for many of us—unfortunately turned out to be the year murder hornets, gypsy moths, coronavirus, and Karens decided to go wild. While the threat of any kind of insect invasion seems to have waned, for now, the pandemic and arrogant white woman who think they can get away with anything are still very much at large. Worst still, a number of Karens and Kevins seem intent on ignoring the professional advice and warnings of scientists when it comes to the novel coronavirus, putting not just themselves, but also those around them at risk.

One such anti-masker Karen was recently spotted at a Costco in Hillsboro, Oregon, where she threw a tantrum so dramatic that even preschoolers would've dropped their lollipops to take notes. The incident which was caught on camera and shared online by Facebook user Souriya Songkham on July 1 has since been widely shared across social media with netizens appropriately naming the woman in the video "Costco Karen." Karen being Karen... hats off to these Costco employees. First, they had to deal with toilet paper bandits now this!!! Lol, some people. If I go to someone's house and they ask me to take my shoes off before I go inside, I'm taking my shoes off, there is no questioning that. It's that simple, Songkham captioned the video.

Image Source: Facebook/Souriya Songkham

The praise for Costco employees is well-deserved as, in the video, the staff who interacted with the maskless woman are seen doing an impeccable job of being polite to the uncooperative customer. The two-part video of the incident begins with one employee—very courteously—asking the woman to put on a mask while she was inside the store and explaining that it is store policy to do so.

However, the elderly woman immediately refused to follow the simple request, claiming the mask rule was "your problem." When asked if she has a medical condition that prevents her from wearing a mask to protect those around her—and herself, by the way—from coronavirus, the woman proudly revealed that she's 77-years-old and very healthy. "I don't have one! I'm healthy. I am a United States citizen," she proclaimed as though being a US citizen automatically makes one immune to deadly virus. She further ridiculed the employee's request by hanging a mask by just one ear and claiming that this pointless exercise should count as her following the rule.

Image Source: Facebook/Souriya Songkham

If these antics weren't enough to seal her Karen status, the woman then proceeded to pull the most Karen trick of them all and demanded to see the manager. The employee graciously agreed and asked the woman to step outside while she got her manager to handle it. However, Karen refused to leave the store and instead plonked herself down on the floor, creating a spectacle for other customers to peruse on their way out. Finally, the manager arrived, approaching the woman with a jovial, "What can I do for you?"


Although the woman was then once again asked to step outside unless she agrees to put on a mask, she continued to be uncooperative and declared: "I'm not going out!" While the rest of the conversation between the staff and Karen is inaudible, she finally left the store after well over five minutes of her "I am a United States citizen" tantrum and was seen throwing the mask on the floor on her way out. Word of advice: Don't be a Costco Karen. Just put a damn mask on.


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