The woman would go to a friend's birthday party every year and would dread going there because her friend would always comment on her weight.
It is commonly known that commenting on people's bodies is generally not a nice thing. However, sometimes a person's comeback can also come across as mean. A woman found herself in a difficult situation when she made a comeback in front of a plus-sized friend who skinny-shamed her. The friend's reaction was shocking, and the internet supported what she said. The woman, u/Heavenstobestie, took to Reddit to share the entire incident.
The person shared that she dreads going to her childhood friend's birthday party every year after they moved apart a decade ago. "I'll always care deeply about her, but we are very different people now, and her friend group reflects this," she wrote.
The woman revealed, "She has one friend, let's call her Amanda, who—without fail—has to comment on my weight EVERY single time she sees me." Amanda would often pass comments like, "You're so skinny! Do you even eat? Does your boyfriend care that you don't have curves? Your legs are like sticks!" The woman kept a strong face every year, but those comments made her feel insecure, and she dreaded going to the birthday party every year. "I was considering not going this year until I talked to my mom about it," she added.
"My mom had (what I thought was) a great idea on how to deal with Amanda. She suggested I pretend she's giving me a compliment," the person revealed. "My mom told me: 'If Amanda says 'You're so skinny!', just smile and say 'Thanks! I love being skinny. And if she looks disappointed at your response, you'll have proven she was trying to insult you,'" she added.
She thought it was a great idea but she forgot to tell her mom that Amanda is a plus-sized person. The day came and Amanda commented on the woman's arms.
Later that day, while they were standing in a group, Amanda said, "God, you're so skinny." The woman shared, "And I thought, ok here it is. Here is my moment. I turned to her, smiled, and said 'Thanks. I love being skinny.' And then, and I am completely serious here...SHE SLAPS ME IN THE FACE!"
There was silence as the woman stared at Amanda, who burst out crying and ran away from the place. "Two of her friends chase[d] her. Only one other girl and my childhood friend asked if I was okay, but everyone else was just shooting me dirty looks," the woman wrote. She added, "The next day, while I was texting with my childhood friend about it, she basically thinks that even though Amanda shouldn't have slapped me, I was insensitive for saying, 'I love being skinny' to a plus-size person."
The woman explained that Amanda was the one who had constantly made comments about her body over the years. "She told me that it's different because being skinny is socially acceptable, and that Amanda wouldn't usually do something like this, but I triggered her with my 'insult,'" the woman wrote. People took to the comments section of the thread to support the woman.
u/Sad-Acanthaceae3366 wrote, "Your mom’s advice was spot on! Amanda had it coming with all those rude comments, she just couldn’t handle the heat." u/BuzzyLightyear100 commented, "Friends for a season, friends for a reason, friends for a lifetime. The reason has no doubt passed since you have drifted apart and the season is well and truly over. There's no chance she is a lifetime friend. As she's not ticking any of the boxes, it's time to move on." u/equimot remarked, "What I can't get over is that she slapped her and yet somehow managed to still be the victim."