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Woman surprises nanny 25 years after they parted and their adorable story will move you to tears

The nanny lovingly strokes Crystal's hair which shows that they are still connected and have admiration for each other.

Woman surprises nanny 25 years after they parted and their adorable story will move you to tears
Image Source: Good Morning America/TikTok

Our childhood nannies often play a great role in our formative years. They often influence us in several ways and become an important part of our lives. A woman from Florida surprised her childhood nanny and met her after 25 years. The video went viral and the story behind their relationship is extremely heartwarming. Crystal went to her nanny, Rufina's workplace, and the video show her approaching with sheer excitement. Rufina gently accepts the woman's greeting but is visibly perplexed as to why this stranger is approaching her and hugging her. However, after she recognizes her, she goes in for a long and passionate hug. This video went viral and moved everyone on the internet to tears. 

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok


Rufina told Good Morning America, "When she came toward me, I thought it was some customer coming to say hello." She added, "When she came in and give me the hug. I never thought I would see her again." She explains that she doesn't have "technology" and doesn't use social media which is a powerful tool when it comes to connecting with people. Moreover, Rufina thought that she didn't want to see her and she adds with tears in her eyes, "Because it's been a long time, you know? and she didn't call me or come looking for me." However, she was proved wrong and Crystal did actually come looking for her after 25 years. Crystal and her sister grew up in the Dominican Republic for 10 years. They moved back to Florida 25 years ago and hadn't seen their nanny Rufina in a long time. 

Rufina says that she was "extremely" happy when the woman identified herself as Crystal. In the video, she lovingly strokes Crystal's hair which shows that they are still connected and have admiration for each other. "When you love somebody and you don't see them anymore," she adds while wiping away tears from her eyes. Crystal's family kept in touch with Rufina's family on Facebook for several years. Rufina adds, "When you give love, you receive love. So, I tell everybody, please make something go for the world and never know when it'll return to you." The love that she gave to Crystal and her sisters was returned to her 25 years after with love and beauty. 

In another loving story, a 7-year-old made an extremely sweet gesture for his 17-year-old babysitter. Rachel Chapman's prom was canceled due to the COVID-19 lockdowns and Curtis Rogers wanted her to have that beautiful experience. Chapman had been his babysitter for over a year and Rogers arranged a socially distanced prom night for her in his backyard. 

Young Rogers immediately said, "We can organize a tiny prom," when his mother told him about the present health situation and that Rachel couldn't have a prom. So, when there was a neighborhood parade to honor the class of 2020, Rogers held a cute sign asking Rachel to his mini-prom. For Rachel's mini-prom, Rogers went all out, dressing up in a sharp suit, choosing the cuisine based on what he and Rachel would often eat together, and creating a playlist of all their favorite music.


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