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Woman surprises dad with pregnancy reveal during fake Taylor Swift merch review

Daughter tricks her dad by asking him to rate a random piece of Taylor Swift merch but brings out her pregnancy test kit with good news instead.

Woman surprises dad with pregnancy reveal during fake Taylor Swift merch review
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @alysamargherio

Pregnancy reveals are special for both the expecting mother and her family. Some people prefer to throw an extravagant pregnancy reveal bash while others choose to drop the news rather subtly. Alysa Margherio (@alysamargherio) on TikTok, decided to disclose the sweet news to her father and recorded his priceless reaction in a video that gained millions of views on the platform. She started the video by announcing to her audience that she would be doing a popular trend with her dad where people get one of their family members who has no idea about certain artists or their songs and make them react on a piece of merch they own which are related to the artist.

Image Source: TikTok | @alysamargherio
Image Source: TikTok | @alysamargherio

Since Margherio is a fan of Taylor Swift, she told her viewers that she would bring out a "random and obscure" piece of Swift's merch and her dad would share his reaction and rate the merch. As her dad patiently waits for her to bring out the merch with his eyes closed, Margherio brings out the positive result on her pregnancy test kit and holds it in front of her dad. Her dad clearly has no idea what he is looking at but he still decides to be supportive and flashes a smile at the test kit, taking a bit longer to register the actual message his daughter is giving him.

When Margherio finally tells him that it was not Taylor Swift merch, it takes her dad a few more seconds before he finally figures out that his daughter is expecting a baby. The emotional father quickly engulfs Margherio in a warm hug and continues chanting in disbelief that he is going to be a grandfather. When Margherio finally asks her father what he thought the pregnancy test kit was, he giggles and admits that he was "trying to find Taylor on it." Her dad gives her a lot of hugs in the next few seconds of the video and congratulates her.

Image Source: Tiktok | @crsnmnzs
Image Source: Tiktok | @crsnmnzs

The TikTok community couldn't hold back their emotions as well and they cheered her in the comment section. They also appreciated Margherio's dad for giving such a wholesome reaction. @poppyinoz commented, "Even trying to be supportive when he thought it was Taylor merch but didn’t know what it was." @ma_til_daone wrote, "This was the absolute best. Congratulations and Grandad you’re going to be the most loved." @melhick3441 quipped, "He was trying to find the Taylor on it, I’m screaming. This was even better than I imagined." @k8teecustoms added, "As someone who will never be able to share this news with my dad, I’m so sorry that hateful people have to try to take away from your moment."

Dads are mostly known for taking their time to absorb a piece of good news and give delayed reactions to it. Another would-be grandfather was adorably confused as well when his daughter decided to break her pregnancy news to him. @cleomassey_ on TikTok–shared a hilarious video of the epic misunderstanding when she handed a gift to her dad and he unwrapped it to reveal a onesie. Her dad initially thought the onesie was meant for their family dog, Crumpet. The realization finally dawned on him when someone screamed to let him know that the onesie was not meant for the family dog. The expecting mom's dad finally realized who the onesie was for and moved toward the camera delightfully. 

You can follow Alysa Margherio (@alysamargerio) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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