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Woman stunned after boyfriend demands share of her rent income after learning she's a landlord

Her boyfriend found out that she's the landlady of the building they live in and demanded 50% of the money she makes.

Woman stunned after boyfriend demands share of her rent income after learning she's a landlord
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Timur Weber; (R) Reddit | u/CapableEmergency5154

A person’s finances are their business and choosing to reveal them to your romantic partner or interest also remains a deeply personal choice. While some would argue that if you are in a serious relationship, you should be an open book to your partner and let them know about all parts of your life, ultimately it is up to each individual how much they choose to reveal.

A Reddit post where u/CapableEmergency5154 shared a particularly interesting circumstance in her relationship with her boyfriend of six months gained attention. She wrote that her father had gifted her a two-story house that she is “extremely thankful” for because they were not exactly “upper class” but her father was able to get the house for a cheap price through his relative. She highlighted that she understood that it was an “extreme privilege” and she is “forever grateful” for it.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | PhotoMIX Company
Representative Image Source: Pexels | PhotoMIX Company

She explained the layout of her house, which is like that of an apartment building and each floor has its “own separate entry, its own kitchen and bathroom” and she has rented out the floor downstairs. The crux of the story is that three months ago, her boyfriend moved in with her, but she never asked him to split the rent or informed him that she owned the building because it wasn’t something she told people unless they asked her. Her boyfriend contributed to the grocery expenses and they split it 50/50. She wrote: “The topic of a landlord, the renter downstairs or the owner of the building has not been something we have talked about.”

On the Tuesday before she made the post, her tenant came up to her to inform her that her freezer wasn’t functioning. “I answered the door and my boyfriend heard us talking, I suppose. I went downstairs to take a look and we came to the conclusion that she would buy a new one, send me the receipt and I would give her the money. She was very grateful for this solution,” she wrote.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Max Rahubovskiy
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Max Rahubovskiy

When her boyfriend inquired if the freezer could be fixed, she told him that it couldn’t and that she would have to purchase a new one. She continued, “He looked at me like I was crazy and asked me why the hell I would pay for her freezer. I told him that because I am her landlord and the freezer was there when she started renting, I would stand for the cost. He just asked me if I was serious, to which I said I was.” What transpired next was a series of “screaming” and questioning as to why she didn’t share this information with him and he called her “an evil person.”

She apologized to him and also told him that she “did not think it would matter.” She further elaborated that her boyfriend said that “he could not believe he was together with someone who is a landlord” because he believed that landlords “just use people for money.” He also claimed that people who are landlords only care about money and “would rather have people be homeless than offer affordable rent.”

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov

The lady clarified that her place downstairs has 1 kitchen, 1 bath and 4 rooms, for which she charges $500. She accepted that many people have had bad experiences with landlords, but she tries “to be a good one.” She then revealed that her boyfriend was demanding “50% of the money” that she earned as rent and accusing her of being a bad person if she didn't agree to share the amount. She concluded by asking whether she was in the wrong for not telling him about being a landlady and how he has stopped taking her calls, even though she’s apologetic about it. The comment section blew up in support of the woman and some even asked her to “reconsider this relationship.” u/LingJules said, “Let me get this straight. He must not have offered to pay half of the rent because then it would have come up and you would have told him, right? He is living with you rent-free. Up until now, he thought you were paying the entire rent. On what planet does he deserve half of the tenant's rent money? Please reconsider this relationship."

Image Source: Reddit | u/BenjiCat17
Image Source: Reddit | u/BenjiCat17


Image Source: Reddit | u/StonewallBrigade21
Image Source: Reddit | u/StonewallBrigade21

u/WhyCommentQueasy agreed with this and said, “Dump him. I know that's a common response on this subreddit, but this dude was happy to exploit you for free lodging and now that he finds out you've got income he wasn't aware of, he wants half of it just because or else you're a big meanie? You do not owe him an apology. You owe him a kick in the rear." This situation seems like one about boundaries and personal choices, both of which are every individual’s right. While the boyfriend asking for money seems bizarre, it does show a side to him that otherwise would’ve remained hidden. What the woman chooses to do with this experience also remains a personal choice that’s hers and hers alone.

This article originally appeared 1 year ago.

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