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Woman starstruck after realizing that the 'friendly woman' she met at the beach is a pop icon

Shania Twain can be seen in the background singing along with Victoria and her friends before the woman notices her and asks if she is the pop icon.

Woman starstruck after realizing that the 'friendly woman' she met at the beach is a pop icon
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @daisyvictoriax

Most people dream about meeting a celebrity and imagine spotting them leaving a party or in the streets of Beverly Hills or New York surrounded by paparazzi. But it's also possible to run into them unexpectedly, as they are spending a normal day around common people away from the spotlight for a change. Daisy Victoria, popular as @daisyvictoriax on TikTok, shared a video where she was singing along with Shania Twain without even recognizing the pop sensation at first. But once she did, the woman wasn't able to hold back her excitement. 

Image Source: TikTok | @daisyvictoriax
Image Source: TikTok | @daisyvictoriax


The text overlay on the 1-minute 48-second clip read, "When you think there's just a friendly lady at the beach club, but it's actually Shania Twain singing with you." It started when Victoria was sitting with her friends at a table and singing Twain's song, "That Don't Impress Me Much," with her friend, but little did she know that the original singer herself was standing at the back singing along. They were singing, "Oh, oh, so you think you're something special...oh, oh, you think you're something else," just when Victoria asked the woman if she was indeed Shania Twain, and she said "Yes." Shocked at this revelation, Victoria responded in disbelief, "No, you're not."

Image Source: TikTok | @daisyvictoriax
Image Source: TikTok | @daisyvictoriax


She then got up and introduced everyone at the table to the singer but surprisingly, they did not seem quite interested. So, Victoria continued to talk to her and then started dancing with her on the same song. One of Victoria's friends could be heard saying from behind the camera, "She is going viral on TikTok." However, Victoria continued to talk to the singer along with her two friends. The video is captioned, "What a moment" and garnered 111.7k views on the platform.

Image Source: TikTok | @daisyvictoriax
Image Source: TikTok | @daisyvictoriax


People in the comments were star-struck after watching the video and @nikitashannonj commented, "I'd literally be starstruck. Those friends couldn't care less! How couldn't you get up and join in? It's Shania Twain!" Followed by @rachelbayliss7, who wrote, "Still can’t get over this. Shania, the legend, I'd be actually screaming." @tombrewerxox admitted, "I'd be freaking out! How the hell is everyone so calm? It's Shania Twain!" @jakejamie shared, "The lad's commentary in the background, 'This should go viral on TikTok innit.' Never mind the fact that you're in the presence of a living legend!" @aishysuk said, "Oh my God, not Shania Twain coming up to sing to you! Iconic!" @cerlowensxx said, "This is amazing! Your face when you realized."

Image Source: TikTok | @daisyvictoriax
Image Source: TikTok | @daisyvictoriax

In another similar incident, a woman did not realize that she was listening to a song by musician Dotan Harpenau, while he was sitting next to her. The artist wrote in a tweet (which was deleted), "Ok... so I am currently on a plane (hello, expensive wifi) and the girl next to me is listening to my album. Every single song." He continued, "It is pretty awkward and nice at the same time. Especially since she just asked me what I do in life." He even told her that he writes music, but she still couldn't connect the dots, so people in the comments chimed in with some suggestions. One X user wrote, "Leave her a note when you get out of the plane and tell her to read it at home." Another one said, "This is the best thread ever! Why don't you start singing along until she realizes it?" He replied he couldn't do that because he was on a plane.

You can follow Daisy Victoria (@daisyvictoriax) on TikTok for more content on her life.

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