The woman shared what she did after she saw her sister's boyfriend enjoying and expecting his partner to clean the house.
Keeping a house clean should be a shared responsibility in a relationship, but some still hold the outdated belief that it's solely a woman's job. One man held this belief until his girlfriend's sister gave him a reality check. Reddit user u/different-sea-9912 shared how she asked her sister's boyfriend to leave her vacation house because he refused to pitch in with cleaning.
The woman explained that she and her husband own a vacation home on Lake Michigan, which originally belonged to her husband. She then talked about her sister Lia, who had been using their vacation home since she and her husband, Ky, were dating. "We don’t mind. She is always clean and courteous and leaves it better than she found it. However, she started dating her bf 'Al' about a year ago, and I can't say the same for him," she shared. The sister spoke about her sister's boyfriend, who she called a "total slob." She said, "He leaves dirty dishes, empty bottles, etc. everywhere and expects Lia to clean up. He has split custody of two young kids from his ex, who he just lets run free, expecting Lia to do the work even though they're his kids."
She talked about an instance that happened in front of her. "On top of that, he's told Lia to get him a beer while she's busy and he's watching TV a few times in front of Ky and me, so I can't imagine how he treats her when we're not around," she wrote. She then said that her sister and her boyfriend's house is always a mess because Lia works 60 hours a week and doesn't even have enough time to take care of the kids. However, she thinks that her sister really loves her boyfriend. "When she talks about him, her eyes light up and her voice is sweet and melodic," she wrote. That is why when Lia asked her if she and Al could use their house this week, she agreed.
Things took an unexpected turn when she and her husband reached their house three days later. "When Ky and I got there, the vacation house was a pig sty. It smelled like rotting food. There was a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink, the floor was sticky and there were drawings on the walls with crayons," she shared. When they got to the living room, she saw her sister scrambling to pick up toys and her boyfriend drinking beer in a rocking chair. "I immediately snatched the beer from his hand and asked him why he wasn't cleaning the mess he made," she said. Instead of accepting his fault, he asked why she thought it was not him but Lia cleaning.
She told him, "I said it's because I'm not an idiot. He just chuckled and said Lia was doing the cleaning and there didn't need to be two people cleaning. His nonchalance really ticked me off, so I told him he and his sticky kids had an hour to pack up their things and leave before I called the cops," she recounted. Al looked at Ky, hoping he would support him, but he asked him to pack. By then, Lia was upset at her sister and said they were really looking forward to unwinding and she walked in and ruined it. Lia also told her sister that she didn't own the house because she didn't buy it. "I told her there is no conflict – Al is deadweight and that's that. As for the house, Ky owns it and he was with me," she said.
Lia threatened her sister by saying that if Al leaves, she will also leave. The same night, the woman got a call from her mother asking why she kicked her sister out. "I told her I kicked Al out and Lia followed. My mom told me I needed to be more accepting of new members of the family and that not everyone has the same living style as me. Now she's mad and Lia won't talk to me," she shared. She ended by asking if she was wrong. People in the comments rallied around the woman.
u/zombiehealthy2616 commented, "Send mom photos of what they did to the house and tell her if she wants to be accepting of Al's behavior and how he treats your property, then she can jolly well come clean up after him and put your house to rights." u/radiant_composer_454 wrote, "You were absolutely in the right here. And your husband backed you up. You and your husband are a team and need to be respected as such. This new boyfriend sounds like an absolute deadweight who needs to leave everyone alone, including Lia, ASAP."
u/lurker-78 expressed, "The disrespect of your home is enough to get them kicked out. Take pictures and show Mom. I'm not usually this kind of person, but if the crayon marks won't clean up, tell Lia she can't come back until he pays for it." u/ddmazza wrote, "Your sister can tolerate whatever she wants as can your parents. You and your husband are not required to tolerate or accept anything."