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Woman sparks debate after revealing plan to catch men lying about their height on dating apps

The woman felt far too many men on dating apps were lying about their height to get dates, only to be found shorter than described.

Woman sparks debate after revealing plan to catch men lying about their height on dating apps
Image source: TikTok/@samanthalea96

A woman marking 6 feet on her door frame to judge the height of men is sparking a fierce debate. Men are insecure about a lot of things and a good number of them are insecure about their height. One woman believes way too many men are lying about their height on dating apps and joked about having to actually measure them to weed out the liars. TikTok user @samanthalea96 posted a video of her holding a measuring tape and a pen while standing next to a door. The video shows the woman measuring 6 feet and marking the door frame. She intended to check the height of the guys as they entered the door frame. She jokingly captioned the video: 'You must be at least this tall to ride.'



The on-screen text read: "Fact-checking guys we invite over from Hinge that say they're six foot." The video went viral immediately, garnering more than 3.1 million views and 211,000 likes. It also sparked a fierce debate, with many men accusing women of judging men on appearance while several women said it wasn't about men's height but more about them lying to earn dates. The video got more than 10,000 comments. Men also accused women of not giving shorter men a chance. One person replied, "It’s not that it isn’t okay to be short but like don’t lie about it." 



Another person added, "It doesn't matter at all how tall they are, but they shouldn't lie. Neither lying nor body-shaming is okay." That seemed to be a general consensus. "They aren’t making fun of guys for being short they are making of them for lying about it," commented another. A few men commented that it shouldn't matter if the woman couldn't make out if they were 6 feet tall and needed a measuring tape. "The fact that you cannot tell by looking at them means it does not matter if they are 6ft or not." Some other men said it was the equivalent of placing a scale at the front door to check the weight of their dates. Another wrote, "All the men in the comments thinking they being creative with the scale jokes has definitely lied abt being 6ft." Another commented, "You can tell what guy lies about their height based on the comment." One person wrote, "Put a piece of clear tape across the outside so they walk into it"




While the likes of Tom Holland dating Zendaya, a woman taller than him, has given short men more confidence on the dating scene, height still remains one of their top insecurities. According to Ash & Erie’s customer base, 80% of men admitted to lying about their height on dating apps. Around 90% believed their height or the apparent lack of it was a hindrance as they believed a taller woman wouldn’t consider dating them. Similarly, a 2010 survey by OkCupid found that the majority of men on the dating site add about two extra inches to their actual height. Men's insecurity about their height is so common that it was the butt of Tinder’s 2019 April Fool’s joke, where the platform advertised the launch of a “height verification” feature. 

MADRID, SPAIN - JUNE 14: Actress Zendaya and actor Tom Holland attend 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' photocall at the Villamagna Hotel on June 14, 2017, in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images)


It has even opened doors for creating a dating app catering to short men and those who like them—Short King Dating. “We want to make sure that shorter guys know that they do deserve the confidence that everybody else has,” said Short King Dating co-founder Steven Mazur. “They deserve to be super confident in who they are, regardless of height, regardless of anything else that’s really out of their control.”










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