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Woman sparks debate after listing the reasons why she thinks her husband is an 'equal partner'

Any relationship, romantic or otherwise, can only work if both parties involved are equally invested in the relationship.

Woman sparks debate after listing the reasons why she thinks her husband is an 'equal partner'
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @abbyeckel

Having a partner who understands you just as much as they respect you is very important. They not only make your lives happier but also easier. In a video posted by a woman named Abby Eckel (@abbyeckel) on Instagram, she talks about what it feels like to have an equal partner in her life and it'll feel like they are couple goals, we promise!

Image Source: Instagram | @abbyeckel
Image Source: Instagram | @abbyeckel

In the caption posted by Abby, she says that everything she said in the video is her version of what an equal partner and marriage look like, while also saying that it can look different for different people. The first thing she says is that she has an equal partner for whom she doesn't have to constantly make lists. Next, she says how she has an equal partner who doesn't need her to keep asking him to help with things around the house; he does it himself. She says that her equal partner is also capable of handling grocery shopping without pictures of the items because he knows what is around the house. She says that she has an equal partner who doesn't expect her to do everything on her own and can at least do his laundry himself. She also says that she has an equal partner who plans date nights all on his own without his wife having to beg for them.

Image Source: Instagram | @abbyeckel
Image Source: Instagram | @abbyeckel

Next, she says, "I have an equal partner. He makes his appointments," which can seem easy to do for someone else, but not when this behavior becomes the new normal. She says that because of her equal partner, her stocking is never empty. She says how her equal partner also helps parent their kids, be it by making lunches for them in the morning or making therapist appointments for their son and taking him there. She says, "I have an equal partner. He doesn't believe that just because he goes to work, he shouldn't have to do anything when he gets home." She also mentions how her equal partner also takes a genuine interest in her and her interests.

Image Source: Instagram | @abbyeckel
Image Source: Instagram | @abbyeckel

She also talks about how she has an equal partner who knows basic tasks like folding towels and knows the names of their kids' teachers. She mentions how he takes their children to bed and makes them sleep and never makes her feel bad if she isn't in the mood to do something. She talks about how her equal partner acknowledges and appreciates what she does and leaves no chance to let her know that. Lastly, she says, "I have an equal partner. He does basic adult tasks without being asked," and honestly, isn't that the dream people? 

Image Source: Instagram | @ambsabrams
Image Source: Instagram | @ambsabrams

The comment section of this video was full of people praising the man, while a few also questioned Abby as to whether or not her husband had an equal partner. @vvaitekonis said, "Sounds like a great guy. Just wondering if he has an equal partner? You know, so you cut the grass if he's busy, change your oil, fix a leak, etc.?" @homegirl.lo dropped a truth bomb when she said, "Interesting how 'equal' is such a triggering work for some men." Another woman, @raecosby, mentioned her husband who's also an equal partner and said, "I have an equal partner. He told me yesterday he wants to deep clean the house while I'm at work to get it ready for the Christmas party we are hosting." All things said and done, we surely hope that you do find yourself an equal partner!

Image Source: Instagram | @bitchbeerofficial
Image Source: Instagram | @bitchbeerofficial
Image Source: Instagram | @chelle__rae
Image Source: Instagram | @chelle__rae

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A post shared by Abby Eckel | Marriage & Motherhood (@abbyeckel)


You can follow Abby Eckel (@abbyeckel) on Instagram for more lifestyle content.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on January 1, 2024. It has since been updated.

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