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Woman snaps at husband after he interrupts her critical job test, asks if she is at fault

A woman took to Reddit to ask the community if she was at fault for screaming 'get out' when her husband interrupted her test, even after she had requested that he not do so.

Woman snaps at husband after he interrupts her critical job test, asks if she is at fault
Woman writing a test on a laptop; (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro studios ; Reddit | u/Downtown-Western3002)

Job hunting can be a trying ordeal, especially in today's economy. It can take a toll on our mental health and even make us react in unexpected ways. One Reddit user, u/Downtown-Western3002, asked the community if she was at fault for screaming at her husband during her written test. In the post, she talked about how she got a callback from a company that she liked and was excited to take the test, which was one of the last rounds in the process. 

Woman writing a test | (Image Source: Pexels | Ivan Samkov)
Woman writing a test; (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ivan Samkov)

"About 3 months ago I was laid off from my job in the tech industry. It was unexpected and a big hit for me mentally, as I enjoy working and feeling like I'm good at my job and contributing. I've been working through a resulting identity crisis with my therapist, but I absolutely hate being at home and not having a routine, so I've also been applying far and wide. I've had a couple of interviews, but none have led to an offer yet," she wrote at the beginning of the post. 

Couple fighting | (Image Source: Pexels | Timur Weber)
Couple fighting; (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Timur Weber)

She then talks about the timed written test for the company that she had to take. "I'm someone who gets extremely nervous during interviews and these things, and so I spent a lot of time preparing, but I also told my husband that I will need to not be disturbed during the test at all," she wrote in the post.

"I asked him to please not walk into the room during the duration of the test, at all, and to not bother me in any way, because I know how stressed I get and how I need maximum focus, and he reassured me that he understood," she added. 

However, things didn't go smoothly on the day of the test. She wrote, "With about 15 minutes to go, the nerves and stress started to set in, and I was a little frantic trying to finish the task and leave myself time to proofread. That's when my husband walked into the room saying 'Sorry ignore me ignore me.' Right away I said 'Please get out' and he said 'Ignore me I just need to grab something quickly' and started digging through the drawer of the desk I was sitting at. That's when I lost my temper and yelled 'I can't ignore you, I need you to not be standing over me right now, just get the f*** out!'"

After the incident, her husband made it a point to slam the door, and when she came out to apologize to him, he told her that she had overreacted by snapping, which hurt his feelings. 

Image Source: Reddit | u/Scarlaymama0721
Image Source: Reddit | u/Scarlaymama0721
Image Source: Reddit | u/elsie78
Image Source: Reddit | u/elsie78

People in the comment section were genuinely taken aback by her husband's attitude towards her. "You are NTA. He did not need his headphones. You were not overreacting, and you should not forgive him till he apologizes. I hope you pass your test!" wrote u/Enough-Process9773. "Nta I'm worried about you though for not realizing that. Are you alright or have you been sh*t on by this asshole for so long that your understanding of common sense has degraded," added u/naraic

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