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Woman shows how she 'gentle parents' herself to be more productive on days she doesn't feel like it

Everyone has had days when they just want to binge-watch or sleep in but the world doesn't allow it. Try gentle parenting yourself like Kay did!

Woman shows how she 'gentle parents' herself to be more productive on days she doesn't feel like it
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@kaylizzlebizzle

Gentle parenting has become an increasingly popular parenting style among parents today. Several parents have chucked out with the traditional methods and have accustomed themselves to a calmer and more empathetic approach. It is a known fact that gentle parenting has its pros, one being that you build a healthier relationship with your child.

Meanwhile, given our current lifestyles and the way the world is these days, sometimes we adults also need a push like kids do. Kaylizzle - who goes on the platform with the username @kaylizzlebizzle - shared a video on TikTok explaining just that. However, she became the parent and child herself as she unwillingly made her way out of bed. 

Image Source: TikTok/@kaylizzlebizzle
Image Source: TikTok/@kaylizzlebizzle


In the video, she is seen as "gentle parenting" herself as she begins her day. We have often come across days where we want to lay in bed and do nothing and she was feeling just that. Her video begins with the text, "I have to talk out loud to myself like this to function sometimes." She then speaks words of encouragement very calmly, like a parent would to their toddler and goes about her tasks. She begins by saying, "I know you don't want to, but we gotta get up." Classic approach! She is seen pushing herself to rise out of bed. It is evident in the video that she is at war with her impulsive thoughts and her realistic self. She continues to say, "We gotta get our day started." She adds, "We can't go out in our pajamas, we gotta change, let's change."

Image Source: TikTok/@kaylizzlebizzle
Image Source: TikTok/@kaylizzlebizzle


The young woman is seen hyping herself up in the most subtle way, possibly with as much energy as she could gather. After she changes out of her pajamas, the next step is to get started. With little phrases of motivation, going step by step just as one would for their child, she continues, "Okay, we gotta go now. Let's go, get your stuff." She then picks up her jacket, still exhibiting traces of unwillingness to get the day started. She concludes the video by saying, "We gotta get to lunch, let's go," as she picks up her bag and leaves. Lazy days suck out all the energy you have to put up a fairly manageable day. Commenters empathized with her, expressing their lazy days as well.

Image Source: TikTok/@kaylizzlebizzle
Image Source: TikTok/@kaylizzlebizzle


@friedchicky said, “Gentle parenting yourself.” @viva.plut0 said, “I feel so seen, heard and understood.” Others even mentioned how gentle parenting works to get things going and in the process of healing as well. @luhvorman said, “Me talking to myself like a kindergarten teacher.” said, “Reparenting yourself can be such a helpful tool in healing trauma and reframing your mindset.” Gentle parenting is indeed an effective concept to make us feel understood.

Image Source: TikTok/@jordantyler408
Image Source: TikTok/@jordantyler408


Image Source: TikTok/@afrapop
Image Source: TikTok/@afrapop


While sharing a similar story, a manager, @that_virgo69, explained how she "gentle parents" her employees to get through gloomy or lazy days. In her video, she is seen complementing her workers for their tasks and hyping them up. "Good job, Kylie! You're doing amazing, sweetie! Wow, look at her go," the audio says as she cheers on an employee who is seen slicing a pizza and another employee standing near an oven and waiting to take out the pizza. A much-needed approach if you'd ask anyone! Everyone wants that little pamper on days they just don't feel like it!

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