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Woman shares what her house looks like after leaving husband and kids alone for 11 days

She opened the gate of her house to find that her entire house was in an absolute mess while she wasn't around.

Woman shares what her house looks like after leaving husband and kids alone for 11 days
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @kianthelen

For centuries now, women have been treated as the designated homemakers. More often than not, that also is the reality we live in. However, parenting is not a solo responsibility and being a homemaker does not mean there are no vacation days. Kian Thelen–who goes by @kianthelen on TikTok–recently posted a video showcasing what a massive mess her house had become when she returned home after an 11-day vacation.

Image Source: TikTok | @charliesmom_gotitgoingon
Image Source: TikTok | @kianthelen

The video starts with her opening the door to her house. The overlay text on the video says, "Returning home after my 11-day vacation." As the door opens, the camera is welcomed with a super messy house. Food is lying everywhere, there are clothes on the floor, toys are out and basically nothing is where it should be. The house looks like it has been broken into and fought with a burglar, except that was not the case. Thelen's husband and kids were home alone for the 11 days she was out on vacation and she came home to this mess. She captioned the video, "At least he kept the kids alive," the people in the comment section strongly felt otherwise.

Image Source: TikTok | @charliesmom_gotitgoingon
Image Source: TikTok | @kianthelen

Thelen's video has gone viral and gained over 4M views and 346K likes on TikTok. @godess8110 said, "This is not cute. This is not weaponized incompetence. This is him making her pay for taking some time for herself." @icantfindmyshoess, with the same perspective as many others, said, "That man does not respect you. You deserve so much better."

Image Source: TikTok | @charliesmom_gotitgoingon
Image Source: TikTok | @kianthelen

Upon seeing the video, @holleeworld said, "My vacation would suddenly be extended until this was all cleaned." Sharing a similar point of view, @hellokiwi said, "How I'd handle this: 'I see you forgot to clean before I got home. I'm leaving for another few hours so you can fix that.' Bye, lmao." While the woman here might have taken no offense to her husband's actions as signified by her usage of the "Funny Song" for the background music of her video, the comment section was full of disbelief. @americangringa made a very valid point and said, "My husband can handle kids and cleaning, why is the bar so low for dads I don't get it."

Image Source: TikTok | @ashleymhorne

In this case, however, it is not all men. While many women shared stories about how their husbands welcomed them back home after trips, one woman, @pitterpatterletsgetat_er said, "I showed my husband this and said, 'This is 100% grounds for divorce unless you were fighting off an intruder.'" Another woman, @texasmombie, chimed in and said, "Is your husband ok? I've left my husband and kids to go on vacation and aside from an unmade bed, the house is fine. What's wrong with him?" @enchanted_bibliotaph added to this and said, "I had a 3-week work trip a few months ago. The house was deep cleaned and my husband had flowers for me when he picked me up from the airport."

Image Source: TikTok | @scherfascherfa

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