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Woman shares tranquil life in remote community with 90 residents: 'A privilege to live here'

She has been sharing her life in Yukon, a remote Canadian territory known for its stunning mountain ranges, breathtaking national parks and diverse wildlife population.

Woman shares tranquil life in remote community with 90 residents: 'A privilege to live here'
Image Source: Instagram/@north_phase

A woman has been captivating TikTok users for a while with tales of her tranquil life in a remote Canadian community, which has become more popular in the post-pandemic era. Her content has proved fascinating to a wide audience as living in remote parts of the world is now increasingly idealized and considered peaceful. Hilary, who goes by the handle @north_phase on TikTok, resides in Yukon, a Canadian territory famous for its stunning mountain ranges, breathtaking national parks and diverse wildlife population.

Yukon is also a popular tourist destination due to its excellent view of the Northern Lights. However, while many tourists visit the region, the number of year-round inhabitants is surprisingly small. Hilary claims that she is one of only 90 people who live in the entire territory.


Hilary's TikTok videos offer a glimpse into her unhurried daily routine, which is a stark contrast to the fast-paced lifestyle of urban or suburban areas. In several of her clips, she shows how she has to travel for five hours to complete errands, purchase groceries and attend important appointments.

Hilary's love for her life in Yukon is quite evident and it's very clear that she wouldn't want it any other way. This was made clear in a recent video where she responded to someone's presumptions about her living situation. She said in the video, "The other day, someone asked me if where I live is as incredible as I say it is, or if I’m just over-compensating because there isn’t much here, aside from the views."


She continued, "I do my very best to be honest and authentic with my audience, but more so because this community has much more to offer than views alone. It is made up of incredible people from whom I learn so much."

According to Hilary, the White River First Nation resides in the Yukon community, where they have inhabited the land for numerous centuries. She also explained that the community is dedicated to preserving its culture and language. Furthermore, the area houses professionals such as educators, healthcare providers and skilled workers who take care of the roadways, guarantee public safety and attend to the health requirements of the inhabitants.


Hilary said, "This place has made me realize the amenities of a metropolis aren’t necessary and that instead, community is what matters." Despite the fact that it may require several hours to reach the closest supermarket or corner shop, she affirms that residing in this place is a privilege, and she has no remorse whatsoever. TikTok user @lisabgm said, "Beautifully said! Most of us are missing out on this and I’m glad you are sharing it!"

Hilary's TikTok videos have become popular in the post-pandemic era, as people are increasingly seeking tranquility and a slower pace of life. Through her videos, she has shown that living in a remote area can be peaceful and fulfilling, and that community is the true essence of a fulfilling life. It is a matter of personal preference if you want to stay in a remote town or a big city.


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