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Woman shares tips for having a smooth experience as a seller on Facebook Marketplace

She shares tips sellers can follow to get the best price for their goods and have a safe experience while dealing with customers on the platform.

Woman shares tips for having a smooth experience as a seller on Facebook Marketplace
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @laurensmoneymindset

The internet is a lucrative place to be in, being so full of possibilities. If one knows all the nitty-gritty of a particular platform, it is easy to make a venture out of it. That is exactly what Lauren Miller—who goes by @laurensmoneymindset on TikTok—implied in her video about selling things on Facebook Marketplace. She shares tips on how to get the best deals when putting things up for sale on the Facebook marketplace. The tips aimed at getting the best price and also conducting the whole process with as much safety as possible. To make the suggestions, she used her own experience as a seller in the marketplace.

Image Source: TikTok/@laurensmoneymindset
Image Source: TikTok | @laurensmoneymindset

Miller starts off the video by revealing that she and her husband sold almost 50 items last year on the Marketplace for $1,300. Her first tip is related to the listing; she believes it is essential to list the items in the group that are the best fit. “When you post your listing on Facebook Marketplace, make sure you check off groups that are local to your zip code, so it gets posted in local areas and people can see it,” she said, “Every time I’ve done this, I’ve gotten hits the same day and sold the item within a couple of days.”

Image Source: Facebook/@laurensmoneymindset
Image Source: TikTok | @laurensmoneymindset

The next one is related to the details of the items. As per Miller, along with great pictures, it is important to provide the right dimensions for the items. This increases the trust of buyers in the product. “Of course, you want to take pictures of your item. But it’s also super helpful to include the dimensions in the description because people always ask that,” she explained. The following suggestion is a bit in the controversial territory, by Miller's own admission. She asks people to use a male name for their dealings. Though she has not tried the other way around, having a male name has helped her avoid any bumps on the road.

Miller asks people to only deal in cash. Giving an example of her own dealings, she shares how she always mentions 'cash only' in the description, which has never discouraged buyers. Since most of her items were under $200, cash was not an issue. She added, "I just didn’t want to deal with the potential scams that come along with things like Venmo and Zelle.”

For the next two tips, she focuses on the things that should be a complete no-go for sellers in the marketplace. She believes that there is never a good reason to share personal contact information. She explained, “All the messaging can be done within the Facebook Messenger app. And anytime somebody’s asking for your phone number, they’re trying to scam you like 100% of the time.” Thereafter, she shared that there is no reason for buyers to hold things for multiple days. In her experience, 99% of the time, buyers don't want it anymore when the day comes around. Every time she has had such a proposition, she has replied with, "It is yours, if it's available on that day."

Image Source: TikTok/@retiredyounglady
Image Source: TikTok/@retiredyounglady
Image Source: TikTok/@tmtreybig
Image Source: TikTok/@tmtreybig

The comment section shared their queries and suggestions. @danidaneheart came forward with their question and commented, "Can you please be more specific about what you mean? I don’t know where it means Post and Local groups; I just assume it’s posted Local if you can show that." @thedaydreamerstudio shared how they deal with holding things and wrote, "If someone wants something held, I ask for a non-refundable deposit for about half or less of the total. Recently, $50 to hold a $380 item for 2 days."

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A post shared by Lauren | Money & Mindset (@laurensmoneymindset)


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