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Woman shares the hilarious trick she does with her partner to have better arguments

They are sharing their go-to trick when they feel their argument is heating up and everyone is loving it.

Woman shares the hilarious trick she does with her partner to have better arguments
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @annielace73

Conflicts are a part of every relationship dynamic. It is vital to handle these conflicts using the right tone to ensure the well-being of the overall relationship. Therefore, many couples set rules beforehand so things don't escalate out of hand. Annie Lace—who goes by @annielace73 on TikTok—and her partner have gone with the funny route when it came to conflict management. Their method ensures that both of them can't stay mad at each other and don't fret over the little things. The trick not only worked on them but also on hundreds of other netizens.

Image Source: TikTok/@annielace73
Image Source: TikTok | @annielace73

The video starts with Lace donning a cute purple party hat. She then explained in the text overlay, "We have to wear party hats if our argument gets too heated and it makes it hard to stay mad." Whenever their argument takes a harsh turn the couple wears the party hats. Though the step might be awkward, like rising mid-argument and putting the hat on, it surely must be effective. Who can focus on anything but the party hats once they are on? The person who a few moments ago was a source of irritation quickly changes to a source of laughter.

Image Source: TikTok/@annielace73
Image Source: TikTok | @annielace73

She mentions in the caption, "Like genuinely, how can you keep arguing in a party hat." There is a reason children can't hold on to their fights forever. There is no way anyone can even think of continuing to scream with a party hat right onto their face. The video then moves to her partner, also donning the hat. While controlling a wide beaming smile, she states, "I am still very pissed off." She might be, but there is no way this argument is going anywhere.

Image Source: TikTok/@alexamariek
Image Source: TikTok | @alexamariek
Image Source: TikTok/@shorkiemother
Image Source: TikTok | @shorkiemother

The comment section was in splits, seeing this method. @simpforpookie finds it funny how anyone in the couple asks the other to take on the hat during the argument, "Imagine in the middle of an argument 'babe put your party hat on.'" @ohmydanielle23 commented about another funny scenario, "Could you imagine coming home to your partner already wearing the hat." @michelle.e.miller gives another suggestion to make the situation more interesting and comments, "Ok, but imagine a box full of random silly hats. 'The argument hat box' that way it will always be a fun surprise and won't get old." @marydeanndra shared another funny antic she had seen her friend doing and wrote, "I had a friend who did clown noses with her husband when they started getting heated, it was my favorite thing to witness."


like genuinely how can you keep arguing in a party hat

♬ original sound - Annie🧚🏼‍♀️


Just like Annie and her partner, German couple Dietmar and Nellia Ehrentraut—who go by @nelliaswing on Instagram—also have unique traditions to keep their relationship alive. Their traditions are related to dance. Despite their age, they continue to put their moves on display on the dance floor. In 2017, they found themselves in the spotlight after a video of them dancing to the song "Down the Road Apiece" by Johan Blohm and The Refreshments went viral.

You can follow Annie Lace (@annielace73) on TikTok for more couple content.

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