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Woman shares the adorable weekly ritual of her boyfriend and grandma: 'He is a keeper'

She said that they started dating last year and it was only a few days ago that she got to know about her boyfriend and her grandmother having this adorable equation.

Woman shares the adorable weekly ritual of her boyfriend and grandma: 'He is a keeper'
Cover Image Source: Pexels | Ella Olsson, Reddit | u/SquareDaikon6513

Being in a relationship often means gradually getting to know your partner's family and friends. It's heartwarming to see two families come together, forming bonds that could last a lifetime. So, when a woman, u/SquareDaikon6513 on Reddit, got to know that her boyfriend and grandma had come to share a beautiful bond, she was overwhelmed with happiness. "I've known and been best friends with my now boyfriend for almost 10 years," the woman revealed in her now-viral post. She said that they started dating late last year and it was only a few days ago she got to know about her boyfriend and grandmother.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

She explained how these lunches between her boyfriend and grandmother began. Her boyfriend's office is near her grandmother's house so he picks her up and takes her for lunch. Moreover, this has been going on for a couple of years, she said. Then the woman shared how it all started. She and her boyfriend had been friends so the grandmom called him to get help to hang curtains in her house. "He stopped by, did some chores for her, and they just became friends," the post read.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Angela Roma
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Angela Roma

Talking about the lunches on Thursdays, she shared that he doesn't allow her grandmom to pay and insists that she picks the restaurant. "They talk about her shows, travel, her senior groups and his family," the woman wrote. The girl was surprised to know that her whole family knew about her boyfriend's Thursday lunches with the grandmom except her. She asked them to pretend that they never spoke about it and that nothing would change. "I think this is sweet of him and I love him that he's build bonds with my family. I'm fortunate to have someone like this."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project

She later added to the post that she should have known about the lunches that her boyfriend and grandmom had because both his family and her family are quite close. The woman went on to explain how she and her boyfriend met and what happened later. She met her boyfriend when she was in college and he was in grad school. They ended up becoming close friends and as they were from the same area and same school, their families also got to know each other because of them. The person concluded by saying that though her boyfriend kept giving hints about the relationship he had with her grandmom she still couldn't get it. "He's said things, brought things up, many times in the past and I always just assumed he heard about it through family or maybe they just chatted on the phone," the woman said.

Image Source: Reddit | u/JoneseyP98
Image Source: Reddit | u/JoneseyP98

People were floored by this beautiful bond in formation. u/efficient-cupcake247 exclaimed, "Awwwwwwww. That is the best thing I will read today!!! No more for me. My heart is happy and full. Thank you for sharing." u/soccermomvibes wrote, "This is so sweet and it’s even sweeter he was just doing it because he enjoys his time with her and not as a way to impress you.  He is a keeper." u/mykillerspc shared, "This is the most wholesome thing I’ve heard in a while. What a guy, and props to grandma for potentially being a bro in this situation." u/alternativeprior9559 commented, "He is such a keeper OP! Congratulations you have one of the best there. A person shows their true nature in how they treat children, the elderly, and animals in my opinion. Thanks for sharing made me smile!"

Image Source: Reddit | u/JeninPNW
Image Source: Reddit | u/JeninPNW

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