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Dad turns superman in the sweetest way to help his daughter get over her first heartbreak

The woman penned a beautiful tribute to her dad, thanking him for never letting her forget how special she is.

Dad turns superman in the sweetest way to help his daughter get over her first heartbreak
Cover Image Source: Facebook/Love What Matters

A doting father became a golden standard for dads everywhere after his daughter revealed the great lengths he went to make her happy when she was heartbroken. In a heartwarming post shared on the Love What Matters Facebook page, the woman penned a beautiful tribute to her dad, thanking him for never letting her forget how special she is. "On most days, I am convinced my dad is the real-life Superman. He is a rough and tough blue-collar man who turned into a ball of mush when he became a father. His love is the kind that can move mountains and sets a high standard for future boyfriends. He's always been a hero to me," she wrote.


"But nothing can prepare you for your first heartbreak. I was 20-years-old when a guy broke my heart into a million pieces on Thanksgiving Day. My dad physically caught me as I crumbled to the floor, sobbing so hard I saw spots. Looking back, I know his heart was breaking too," she recounted. "My parents, roommates, and friends took turns checking in on me. One day, I told my dad about the one thing that kept haunting me. I told him: 'I am so used to getting a 'good morning text' from him every day.'"


"'Before I even get out of bed it hits me like a ton of bricks. It is a daily reminder that it’s over... he isn’t coming back,'" she continued. "From that day forward, he sent me a 'good morning' text. His texts include inspirational quotes, heartfelt messages of encouragement, and reminders of how much he loves me. That was 7 years ago. He never stopped. I have moved on, moved away, and found an amazing man but my Superman came to my rescue. He still texts me (almost) every day."

The woman also shared a couple of screenshots of the incredibly sweet messages her dad sends her. "My wonderful, magical, beautiful, most spectacular girl!! Have a great day and shine on those around you and know I send tonnes of love, dad. P.S. thanks for brightening my day every time I think of you" reads one message. "Good morning, my beautiful gladiator!! Saw a big crow top branch of a pine tree when I woke up. Made me think, it's not the branch he trusts, it's his wings! Trust in yourself and your ability today and always," reads another.


"Be safe, be smart, have FUN!! Thinking of you with love and positive energy, dad," it concludes. Gushing about her loving father, the woman continued: "He is an example of selflessness, hard work, and not taking yourself too seriously. His love is unconditional. He never fails to say 'I love you.' He will tell you every morning, every night, and twice on Sunday. But if you watch closely you can see it in action. I have watched him fiercely love my mother for over 30 years; he still brings her flowers, pulls her in for a slow dance in the kitchen, and writes her love notes."


"When a man like that sits at the center of your universe, it makes you feel as though anything is possible. That kind of confidence in a little girl is unmatched. That little girl can be fearless," she wrote. "To the dads out there and to my dad - thank you. You may not know it but your little girls are watching your every move and hanging on your every word. We thank you for never letting us forget how special we are."

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