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Woman shares how and where she found her moment of 'glimmer' in the chaos of life

The woman shares how her son caught her in her moment of 'glimmer,' where she felt completely happy and satisfied.

Woman shares how and where she found her moment of 'glimmer' in the chaos of life
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@babiesofsteele

Life can never be peaceful all the time for everyone. There are always some or other issues happening in your life. The last few years have been immensely stressful for everyone. People got a shake-up in terms of their priorities. It has become clear to everyone how, ultimately, the one thing that truly matters is happiness. But how do you feel this happiness? More importantly, can you feel it with so much going on all the time? Meredith Steele - who goes on TikTok with the username @babiesofsteele - has an answer. She believes that happiness lies in the "glimmers." 

Image Source: TikTok/@babiesofsteele
Image Source: TikTok/@babiesofsteele


She explains how being in the moment and enjoying things that truly make one's soul feel joy are glimmers and that is what people should hold on to in their lives. Steele shared the "glimmer" in life that she stumbled upon recently. She described in the video how this glimmer did not come from a place that she expected but sprung up on her. The woman was out on a trip to Denmark with her family. She was not in the hustle and bustle of the country absorbing everything going around her. Instead, she was in a serene place, full of peace. She was so engaged with the moment that instead of her, it was her son who pointed out that right there was her "glimmer."

Image Source: TikTok/@babiesofsteele
Image Source: TikTok/@babiesofsteele


Her son, upon seeing his parents so happy, said, "I really like the way you guys are when you're here. You're both just so happy." The son could see how much the couple felt free and just so satisfied in each other's presence. The mother gave the full context of "glimmer" to her viewers, followed up with a definition of the term. Her first comment about the term was that it was coined by psychotherapist Deb Dana. As stated in the video, "'Glimmers' are the micro-moments in our day that spark a sense of joy and well-being."

The video further explains how "glimmers" are the opposite of triggers. Triggers are events or instances that hint human mind they are in danger. "Glimmers," on the other hand, hint to the human mind they are safe and everything around them is well-suited to their needs. There is a warmth that this produces in the human body, as it indicates that they can go gentle since they are well-protected.

"Glimmers" can happen at any time with things that an individual enjoys. In the case of Steele, it was when she found joy in the togetherness with her family. For others, it can be by experiencing kindness or garnering affection from their pets. Anything that gives humans the satisfaction they are safe and loved can be considered a "glimmer." Neurodiversity Education Academy gives the definition, "Glimmers give us a calm, peaceful and joyful state." They believe such a state can be achieved through engagement with nature or something as simple as being wrapped up in a blanket.

Image Source: TikTok/@sadbeige
Image Source: TikTok/@sadbeige


Image Source: TikTok/@dopaminemachinebroken
Image Source: TikTok/@dopaminemachinebroken


By far, the video has gained 24.8K views. The comment section loved the concept and shared their own experiences. @grey1280 writes how a foreign country gave them that 'glimmer,' "10 days in Ireland, my husband and I felt this SO strongly." @frosty_denton believes Scotland is his happy place, "I feel this when I'm in Scotland. My soul is completely at peace."

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