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Man in a bar 'mansplains' law to woman who just took the bar exam – and her viral response says it all

In a now-viral video, the law student shared how a bearded man in a simple T-shirt tried to discuss the inner workings of American law with her in a noisy bar.

Man in a bar 'mansplains' law to woman who just took the bar exam – and her viral response says it all
Cover Image Source: TikTok/chatty_kathy8

Among the many annoying things uniting the women of the world, the irksome phenomenon of mansplaining is pretty high on the list. A man lecturing a woman on a subject that she's well-versed in while he has little to no knowledge of it is a uniquely unpleasant experience that way too many women are sadly quite familiar with. TikTok user @chatty_kathy8 found herself going through this torturous ordeal when an overconfident dude at a bar decided to mansplain law to her on the very same day she took her bar exam—the test that assesses the legal knowledge of a person seeking to practice law.

Image Source: TikTok/chatty_kathy8


In a video, which has been viewed over 1.3 million times since being uploaded, the law student shared how a bearded man in a simple T-shirt tried to discuss the inner workings of American law with her in a noisy bar. When the camera pans to chatty_kathy8—aka Kath as per her TikTok bio—it is clear as day that she isn't too pleased about the words coming out of his mouth. While much of their conversation is overpowered by thumping background music, the text overlay provides some context about the scene playing out.

Image Source: TikTok/chatty_kathy8


"Watch this man who's never been to law school mansplain how the law works to me the day I took the bar exam," it states. Captioning the video, Kath seems to have quoted a statement from the man. It reads: "yeah I could've gone to law school but business was the better move for me." Over 4000 TikTok users commented on the video, of which several were unsurprisingly mansplainers mansplaining how the interaction Kath had with the man may not have been mansplaining. "Did you listen or were you just hostile?" asked a TikToker named Ritter.

Image Source: TikTok/chatty_kathy8


"He's so clearly trying to have a conversation and ur being so defensive and giving attitude," wrote someone with the username E. Responding to one comment enquiring about the exact question being debated, Kath wrote: "He was trying to tell me that in federal criminal court, you're not entitled to a jury. Which is true but only for charges that would come with jail time of less than 6 months." 

Image Source: TikTok/chatty_kathy8


In a series of follow-up videos, Kath responded to some of the mansplainers in her comments. "Please do not confuse your Google search with my law degree," she said in one. "But I just want to say to people commenting stuff like this, or defending the man, telling me I just should have sat and listened to him because he was just trying to be nice, or just otherwise trolling, thank you so much for that. Today is my birthday, and I woke up to my tic tock, blowing up, and I’m a Leo. And we thrive off of attention so you have given me the best birthday gift. I could have ever asked for. So, thank you so, so much, and also thank you for proving my point. Maybe go take a walk. Drink some water, chill out a bit."

Image Source: TikTok/chatty_kathy8

This article originally appeared 3 years ago.

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