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Woman shares clever, tried and tested car hack that has blown everyone's minds

A clever hack shared by the woman has everyone checking their cars and whether it works for them or not.

Woman shares clever, tried and tested car hack that has blown everyone's minds
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @emmarosejean1

Car hacks can be very useful. From tips on fueling up to ensuring your car insurance remains valid, everything comes in handy at some point. Simple advice can make a big difference, like knowing how to park within the lines to avoid scraping other cars. Now, imagine discovering a hidden feature in your car after years of driving it. This is exactly what happened to Emma–who goes by @emmarosejean1 on TikTok. While sitting in her car, she decided to try a trending hack on her vehicle. When she saw the results, she was amazed and couldn't believe that she did not know about it earlier.

Image Source: @emmarosejean1 | TikTok
Image Source: TikTok | @emmarosejean1 

"I am sitting in my car watching TikTok, as one does, and I came across a video that was someone saying that if you hit your unlock button on your car twice and then hold it down, it'll roll down all of your windows," Emma explained. Curious to see if it worked, she decided to give it a try. "I'm fascinated by stupid s**t like this. And everyone in the comments with different car brands was saying it works, so I'm gonna get out and try it and get a live reaction of it either not working or working," she further added.

She came out of her car and pointed her camera toward the vehicle while holding the keys. "Okay. Unlock button, once, twice, hold. Shut your f****** mouth!" As soon as she pressed the button, per the trend, her mouth opened wide in shock as the hack worked. Emma gasped and said, "That might be the coolest thing I've ever seen. I need to read my car's manual." Her video went viral and garnered over 2 million views on the platform. She captioned it, "On today's episode of things TikTok taught me."

Image Source: @emmarosejean1 | TikTok
Image Source: TikTok | @emmarosejean1 

People in the comments found this hack crazy and shared their thoughts. "Looking through the comments to see if I can find someone with my car so I don't have to get up to check myself to see if it works," commented @serendipitycici. "I used to sell Hondas and this was like my go-to for show and tell during the summer," added @theshedevil_. "My mom used to do this in the '90s/00s while walking back to our car from a store. It was such a flex. Florida car heat is no joke," @.raquelrosa said. 

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok | @ovenjuicelatte
Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok | @cluttzy1
Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok | @ambermyers674
Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok | @large_coke_no_ice

Sadly, this mindblowing hack does not work on all cars, "Honda Civic said nah," said @allie_burton.  "It doesn't work on my 2017 Toyota Camry, but it worked on my daughter's 2013 Ford Fusion. I'm sad it doesn't work on mine!!" commented @dragonwings78. "Okay, now what buttons to make them all go back up?" asked @mirlaewy. "What other secrets are they keeping from us?" curiously added @hehehehehellooo. "I found this out by mistake a few years ago! Lol. I was holding my keys and my phone and my thumb pressed the button by accident!" @jenna.lives shared how she discovered this hack.

@emmarosejean1 on todays episode of things tiktok taught me #carhacks ♬ original sound - Em


You can follow Emma (@emmarosejean1) on TikTok for more lifestyle content. 

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