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Woman shares AI hacks to prepare for job interviews that actually work: 'Easiest way to prepare'

She advises entering the job description into ChatGPT, an AI language model, to generate interview questions based on the crucial points in the description.

Woman shares AI hacks to prepare for job interviews that actually work: 'Easiest way to prepare'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @hannagetshired

Preparing for interviews can be extremely stressful, as you must be ready for almost any question that may arise. However, one marketing manager has the perfect answer, claiming that she used AI to create an interview hack that would work for any role. She is not mistaken. Following her advice, many people were successful in job interviews.

Hanna Goefft—who goes by @hannagetshired on TikTok—recently shared a video with the caption, "I don't think I'll ever get over hacking life with AI," procuring over 2.3 million views. The hack entails using ChatGPT to generate prep questions based on what is crucial in the job description.

Image Source: TikTok | @hannagetshired
Image Source: TikTok | @hannagetshired

Goefft starts the video by saying, "This is the easiest way to prepare for interviews, and it will work for every single job." She instructed viewers to enter the job description for the desired role into ChatGPT. She continued, "Then we're gonna tell it to generate interview questions for each bullet point in the job description and analyze the job description for the top 10 keywords." Goefft, a marketing manager at a leading tech hiring platform, then displayed a series of interview questions that the ChatGPT generated.

Image Source: TikTok | @hannagetshired
Image Source: TikTok | @hannagetshired

She added, "Look at all those interview questions! Then you want to brainstorm responses to each question and make sure that the examples you're giving in your responses are corresponding to these 10 keywords. You don't necessarily need to say them explicitly, but you want your examples to demonstrate that you have these skills. This way you'll know that you're highlighting the most relevant pieces of your experience rather than just projects you may be proud of, which might not always be the same thing."

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

The trick appears to have already worked for some people, with many people in the comments section claiming success after attempting the hack themselves. "Finding a full-time job is a full-time job," joked @midsizedvegan. "I’ve been doing this for a few weeks and now I’m being flown to another state for a second interview at my dream job, NO JOKE," shared @bishybear. "I did this two weeks ago and got the job," added @nsync.urities.

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

If you need more useful tips to search for jobs and crack that job interview, here are a few more from The Every Girl. The first thing recommended to use AI for is "resume assistance." When applying for a job, your resume is usually the first thing people see. ChatGPT can walk you through the steps of creating a resume. You can request that ChatGPT format certain information on your resume, such as previous experience, special skills, or an executive summary.

It can also help you tailor your resume to specific roles by suggesting and placing relevant keywords in sections of your resume, reviewing your resume, identifying essential keywords, and providing optimization recommendations to improve its effectiveness.

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

The second way to use AI is for "industry and company research." ChatGPT can assist you in making informed decisions if you are unsure about which industries or job roles to target for your job search. It can provide you with information about current job market trends and which industries are growing or declining. It also allows you to quickly research different companies, which is useful if you're applying to multiple places. If you ask ChatGPT what it's like to work at a specific company, it can pull information from all over the web—from news stories to employee reviews—to provide you with a concise overview of the company.

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