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Woman shares 13 ways to say 'no' in a polite and gracious way: 'Thanks but maybe another time'

Many people find it difficult to say 'no' even in uncomfortable situations but these tips can make the task a little easier.

Woman shares 13 ways to say 'no' in a polite and gracious way: 'Thanks but maybe another time'
Cover Image Source: TikTok |  @hopemoquin

We often are raised with the belief that we also have to do everything in our power to please people around us. This mindset proves harmful as many become afraid of saying the word "No" for fear of disappointing others. They start neglecting their own needs and comfort level over others. However, Hope Moquin—who goes by @hopemoquin on TikTok—believes that "in a world where the pressure to please others can sometimes feel overwhelming, the ability to say 'no' is not just a skill but a form of self-care." In a recent TikTok video, she shed light on the significance of saying 'no' graciously and provided a set of 13 considerate ways to decline requests.

Image Source: TikTok |  @hopemoquin
Image Source: TikTok | @hopemoquin

Moquin shares a scenario many can relate to, "A little birdie told me that you're a people pleaser and you struggle with saying no." This common struggle often stems from a desire to avoid disappointing others. However, Moquin introduces a crucial perspective, "See, we are practicing boundaries and self-care." Moquin proceeds to unveil 13 polite and considerate ways to say 'no'. These phrases, woven into her message, offer pathways to preserving time, energy and well-being while upholding respect for others.

Image Source: TikTok |  @hopemoquin
Image Source: TikTok |  @hopemoquin

"I appreciate the offer but I can't" acknowledges the gesture with gratitude while declining. "Thanks but maybe another time" maintains an open door for future possibilities. "Sounds so great, but I cannot commit" conveys interest but inability to take on additional commitments. "Perhaps next season when things clear up" leaves room for reconsideration in the future. "Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you" demonstrates thoughtfulness and consideration. "I'm not taking anything else on right now" sets clear boundaries regarding current capacity. "Thank you for asking, but it's actually not in my budget right now" addresses financial constraints respectfully. "I told myself I wasn't gonna do that again, so thank you for respecting my decision" upholds a personal commitment.

"Thanks for asking, but this just isn't gonna work out for me" acknowledges the request while declining. "I'd love to, but I can't" conveys desire tempered by practicality. "No, thank you. And I would appreciate it if you accepted my choice" firmly but politely declined the request. "I know that's challenging for you right now, but I just don't have the capacity to help you at this time" acknowledges the challenge while maintaining personal boundaries. "This just really isn't a part of my journey for the day" prioritizes personal growth and well-being.

Image Source: TikTok |  @hopemoquin
Image Source: TikTok | @hopemoquin

Moquin emphasizes a vital point that saying 'no' does not equate to being mean or dismissive. It is an essential skill that enables individuals to prioritize their well-being and manage commitments effectively. As she aptly puts it, "Saying no isn't mean. It is a really necessary thing that people need to learn how to do." The ability to say 'no' politely is rooted in the establishment and respect of personal boundaries. Moquin's advice aligns with the cultivation of healthy relationships founded on mutual respect. By employing these phrases, individuals can safeguard their time, energy and mental well-being without causing harm or offense.

Image Source: TikTok | emileebutler_
Image Source: TikTok | @emileebutler_

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