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Woman reveals the fascinating reason why lesbians earn more money than straight women

Women in same-sex relationships earn nine percent more than their heterosexual counterparts. The gap is so evident that it is known as the 'lesbian premium.'

Woman reveals the fascinating reason why lesbians earn more money than straight women
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @ariavelz

Society has come a long way from the days when people faced discrimination at the workplace based on gender and sexuality. A push for diversity and awareness has made sure that people from the LGBTQ community get better representation and fair wages in coporations. The impact of these policies was reported by a woman named Aria Velz, who goes by @ariavelz on TikTok, claiming that Lesbian women earn more than straight women based on reasons that are quite fascinating. "For years, social scientists have consistently observed that lesbians outearn straight women," Velz claimed. She showed a graph from the World Economic Forum that showed a statistical percent difference between the earnings of lesbians and straight women across several countries around the world.

Image Source: TikTok | @ariavelz
Image Source: TikTok | @ariavelz


"According to a meta-analysis of 30 international studies, gay women earn an average of 9 percent more than straight women with variations by country," the woman disclosed. "This has been observed so often that it even has a name: the lesbian wage premium," Velz said explaining a study from Big Think. The woman wondered why that might be the case especially, in the US, where lesbians earn as much as 20 percent more than straight women as per the graph displayed by Velz. "We can start with the obvious, lesbians tend to be more educated than straight women, are less likely to have children, live more predominantly in cities, have more professional jobs but even when controlling for all these factors, the lesbian wage premium is still present," Velz noted referring to an article from The Washington Post.

Image Source: TikTok | @ariavelz
Image Source: TikTok | @ariavelz


She then revealed the reason for the wage gap showing the gender wage gap chart from the World Economic Forum. "Well, one hypothesis is that it could have to do with the division of labor among the households, so to look at that we'll have to look at the gender wage gap a bit." She added, "While the gender wage gap has certainly gotten smaller, one of the reasons why it still exists is the expectations women face for domestic and emotional labor that men tend not to have." Velz explained how generally, in heterosexual couples the women are more likely to be the primary caregivers for children and take up the domestic labor responsibilities at home. 

Image Source: TikTok | @ariavelz
Image Source: TikTok | @ariavelz


"Meaning that women would often have to make the trade-off for advancing their career in order to maintain the house, while men usually just have to focus on their careers," the woman explained. "In contrast, lesbian households have more equal domestic labor distribution among the couple than straight households." She stated, "Lesbians do not face the same trade-offs that straight women do when it comes to focusing more on their family or their career." She continued, "That translates into lesbians earning higher wages." Velz also revealed, "The lesbian wage premium is significantly more present for the lesbians who have never lived with a male spouse."

Image Source: TikTok | @jujuramiz
Image Source: TikTok | @jujuramiz


Image Source: TikTok | @wormssforbrains
Image Source: TikTok | @wormss4brains


"The lesson here is not that lesbians are better at making money. It reconfirms that the domestic labor situation at home contributes to how women earn more outside the home. Lesbians have just learned that lesson first," she concluded. People in the comments section were quite fascinated by the statistics.

@literateur wrote, "Me and my future wife are gonna be living good." While @ihavemoremakeupthanyou questioned, "I would be so curious to see a breakdown between masculine and femme lesbians to see if appearance and presentation have any effect." @havenc022 quipped, "Saving this so I can tell my dad that I made a strategic financial choice."

You can follow Aria Velz (@ariavelz) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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