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Fired woman responds with epic comeback to boss' request after he rejected her two-week notice

A woman's two-week notice was not accepted and she was fired on the spot. However, she handled the situation with determination and confidence.

Fired woman responds with epic comeback to boss' request after he rejected her two-week notice
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Anna Shvets; (R) Reddit

We all have different experiences when it comes to resigning from our job. Sometimes, it goes really smoothly and other times, it can be a rough ride. The latter was the case for a Reddit user's daughter, who was asked to leave on the spot when she submitted her two-week notice. However, she handled the situation with determination and confidence and stood up for herself. The proud father wrote, "My daughter has been planning on turning in her resignation at her job for some time, with today being the day. She combed through the employee handbook for any policies and found all policies surrounding PTO payout. Anyway, she typed a resignation letter, walked into her boss's office, and had the talk." 

Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Sora Shimazaki
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Sora Shimazaki

"She called me and told me her boss wouldn't take her notice, so she went back to the desk and emailed her manager (her boss) and her director (her boss's boss) her resignation. She said in her email that two weeks from Friday would be her last day. About an hour later, someone from HR comes up to her and asked her to clean out her desk and leave immediately. Since she thought this might happen, she cleaned out her desk last week."

However, just as she was being walked out, her boss approached her with a rather entitled request. He asked her if she had time to answer a few questions about her workload before she left the premises. She replied, "Too late, you rejected my two-week notice, see what you get?" Then she kept walking and "is hoping to start her new job next Monday," her father shared.

Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Karolina Grabowska
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Karolina Grabowska

A "priceless rejection of a two-week notice," the Reddit user titled the post. The post has gained 13k upvotes and hundreds of comments. The dad also revealed that his daughter would be paid for the two weeks and yet she was told to leave. Fellow Reddit users had a few things to say, with u/LP14255 writing, "In many US states, once you give notice, they are legally obligated to pay for that full-time period, whether they keep you or not."

u/rubydosa commented, "Applause to her! Ugh! I hate that we feel guilty about quitting a job on the spot because we don't want to leave them hanging, and then they turn around and do this to us. I did the same last year at my ESL school." u/tcollins137 wrote, "I had a manager threaten to tear up my resignation letter, and I just told them I can keep printing them all day."

This Reddit user's daughter does deserve the praise and support being given to her by the Reddit community. We should not feel guilty for resigning from a job as it is essential for our growth. Moreover, it becomes crucial to stand up for ourselves when our workplace becomes a place that inhibits our overall growth and well-being. Other people can learn from this incident and apply this to their lives when put in similar situations.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on June 13, 2023. It has since been updated.

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