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Woman refuses to give up her window seat to a parent traveling with their child, asks if she's wrong

She urged parents to plan better when it came to travel and pointed out that the person in question hadn't selected their seats but felt entitled to her seat.

Woman refuses to give up her window seat to a parent traveling with their child, asks if she's wrong
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @yomrants

Traveling with kids can be difficult. This is why parents need to be immaculate with their travel plans and be mindful of selecting seats while booking flights. But not every parent is prepared for everything involving their kids and this can often ends up being a hassle for fellow passengers in public transport. Myah Elliot (@yomrants on TikTok) made a recent video to draw people's attention toward this topic and shared her own experience she had on board a flight.

Image Source: TikTok | @yomrants
Image Source: TikTok | @yomrants

"Your child and lack of responsibility have nothing to do with me," she captioned her video which garnered over a million likes. "Why are people with children under the impression that the world needs to bend for them just because they decided to have a child?" Elliot started her rant. "I am tired of it." She recalls the day she was about to board a flight. She had received her boarding pass and was about to settle in her seat when she encountered the mother and child.

"That's the seat I picked when I checked in 24 hours prior because I wanted to make sure I had a window seat. I am very particular about my seating in an airplane and I want to be comfortable," Elliot continued in her video. "With full confidence, I walked up to 22F and I found there was a woman and her son sitting in my row. So I thought maybe they messed it up." Elliot brought out her boarding pass and checked her seat numbers to drop the hint to the lady that they were in the wrong seat but the lady wasn't picking any hints from Elliot.

Image Source: TikTok | @yomrants
Image Source: TikTok | @yomrants

"So I said 'Hey, I think you are in my seat even though I knew that she was in my seat. I was being polite because it could have been an honest mistake," Elliot elaborated. But the lady did nothing except point Elliot toward her actual seat and told her that she could take hers. "I was like, excuse me! You don't even have the decency to ask if you can stay in my seat, the one that I selected and the one that is on my boarding pass. I looked back at the aisle seat and no, I wanted the window seat I had booked," Elliot continued.

But her polite requests did not get through to the mom who clearly wanted to sit with her child. Elliot was not about to change her mind as the mother and her kid remained seated in the same place and blankly stared at Elliot. Elliot remarked that they should have checked in 24 hours before boarding the flight as there were multiple side-by-side empty seats available back then. Then a guy came up behind Elliot and offered his window seat as he was okay to take up the aisle seat. Elliot thought about how he shouldn't have said that but she was not done yet.

Image Source: TikTok | @pirrellas
Image Source: TikTok | @pirrellas

She didn't want to let this woman get away with what she did. Elliot decided to go for the other window seat offered to her but before she left she gave the lady a firm reminder that next time she boards a plane, she should make sure to book a seat beside her kid and try not to be disrespectful after occupying other people's seats. The TikTok community had their share of thoughts on this incident as well. @fionaanderson960 wrote: "Agree with you 100%, you booked that seat some people with kids seem to assume people will move for them." 

Image Source: TikTok | @uglypeopleonly
Image Source: TikTok | @uglypeopleonly

@j_s24 commented: "I feel very much connected to this. Why do people with children assume everyone has to bow to them? Well said btw, glad you stood your ground." @c8marie_ remarked: "I will never understand why people sit in seats they know are not theirs. Concerts, airplanes, trains all of it like why?" @chan_gonzalez7 added: "This airplane seat situation keeps coming up and it blows my mind. Why do people expect to take other people’s seats?" 

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