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Woman receives unexpectedly amusing responses from men while trying to sell her engagement ring

Call it flattering, flirty or even a hype but no one can deny that these men trying to flatter Camille Fahrnbauer while she was simply attempting to sell her ring is hysterical.

Woman receives unexpectedly amusing responses from men while trying to sell her engagement ring
Cover Image Source: TikTok| @camille.fahrnbauer

The internet surely has its sneaky ones around every corner. There is always someone who spices up the world online with their unique perspectives, jokes and so much more. A core strength and feature of people using social media has got to be their ability to find sarcasm or humor in most situations. @camillie.fahrnbauer shared that she faced a similar experience on TikTok when she was out to get a simple job done. The woman had been recently divorced and all she wanted to do was sell her engagement ring online. However, some internet users went all out to make the woman feel better in their uniquely hilarious ways. Fahrnbauer shared that she intended to sell her engagement ring on the Facebook marketplace.

Image Source: TikTok| @camille.fahrnbauer
Image Source: TikTok| @camille.fahrnbauer

She had uploaded a picture of her hand with the ring on to display its features. However, instead of receiving customers who were likely to purchase the ring, she received hilariously strange requests and responses. The woman shared a few of those on TikTok. All the responses she posted turned out to be those of guys saying that they’re interested. However, the twist was that they were not interested in purchasing the ring but instead wanted to take Fahrnbauer out on a date. While the names were not disclosed, one man asked, “Is this still available?” To this, the woman responded with a yes only to get a tricky reply. The reply read, “I don’t want the ring, I’d rather just use the ring to remarry you.”

Another guy tried his luck saying, “Hey, I’m not interested in the ring but I would be interested in taking you out on a date sometime.” Fahrnbauer was surely having a chuckle wondering how men came up with ideas such as this. Another man said, “I’m not looking for a ring yet. Would it be bold of me to take my shot?” The last reply Fahrnbauer posted was a little over the top. The man possibly took all the courage he could muster and wrote, “Hey Camille, I don’t want to buy the ring but how about I take you country dancing and we can talk about what you’re going through.” He was surely trying to shoot his shot, one can say!

Image Source: TikTok| @camille.fahrnbauer
Image Source: TikTok| @camille.fahrnbauer

While the woman didn’t really respond to the texts other than via professional means, her video gained traction online. Commenters shared hilarious responses and many even hyped the woman up for her flattering aura. @keagencg hilariously said, “You should go country dancing.” @its__marica joking said, “Is this my sign to sell my ring on Facebook Marketplace?” The commenters took the post from a comical perspective and chuckled over the crazy messages sent by the men.

Fahrnbauer posted a follow-up video to share that she wasn’t really flattered by any of the messages and immediately sold the ring to someone who actually wanted just the ring. She posted in her caption, “The day I sold my engagement ring, my friend asked if I wanted to fly to Italy with her. Five days later I’m back in the exact same place that I had eloped to make better memories. Full circle baby!” 

Image Source: TikTok| @ivygrace211
Image Source: TikTok| @ivygrace211


Image Source: TikTok| @itsnotwhatuthink99
Image Source: TikTok| @itsnotwhatuthink99


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