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Woman realizes that all emails since she was 10-year-old have a 'cringey' signature

Her love for Justin Bieber's new haircut was made known to the receivers, but she was completely unaware.

Woman realizes that all emails since she was 10-year-old have a 'cringey' signature
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @jessicastahle31

We have all had those moments in life where we embarrass ourselves unknowingly at the workplace in the most hilarious way possible. Imagine confidently typing away only to find that we just sent an amusingly inappropriate email to the boss. Maybe our weird and inappropriate sense of humor landed in the wrong inbox. Though mortifying at the time, these cringe-worthy situations add some delightful spice to the dull work life. An LA-based singer and content creator, Jessica Stahle—who goes by @jessicastahle31 on TikTok—shared one such embarrassing experience she had at work because of her awkward auto-signature in emails.

Image Source: TikTok | @jessicastahle31
Image Source: TikTok | @jessicastahle31

On September 16, Stahle shared a video of her realizing that her email signature reads: "I'm in love with Justin Bieber's new haircut." This signature has accompanied every email she has sent since she was 10 years old. It went insanely viral with nearly 3 million views. So, Stahle posted an explanation saying that she was aware of her emails having that signature but assumed that it was optional. The emails sent from her iPhone didn't display that signature, but the ones sent from her computer had them. Though she knew it was better to delete the signature rather than uncheck the option every time she sent an email, she decided to retain the childhood memory.

Image Source: TikTok | @jessicastahle31
Image Source: TikTok | @jessicastahle31

However, when she forgot to uncheck the signature option this one time while sending an email to her coworker and her boss, she decided that was it. She apologized and requested the boss to ignore her quirky email signature and also changed her email settings after that. When she thought the water was under the bridge, her manager informed her that every email of hers arrived with the signature, "I'm in love with Justin Bieber's new haircut," even the ones sent after she changed the settings. It turns out her email settings were such that no matter what she did, the signature still appeared on all the emails she had sent.

Image Source: TikTok | @jessicastahle31
Image Source: TikTok | @jessicastahle31

Stahle then realized how she had applied to several jobs and colleges and even communicated with family with that email address. She wondered why no one even thought to mention her cringe signature all these years and even lost sleep over how awkward all her emails would have been. She now wonders if some of her job rejections might have been driven by this signature. "Take this as a cautionary tale. Check your GMail settings," Stahle warned the users. This video went viral and people were both amused and terrified at the same time. It looks like Stahle isn't alone in this embarrassment, as many have had their own share of awkward signatures. 

Image Source: TikTok | @skyeleight55
Image Source: TikTok | @skyeleight55
Image Source: TikTok | @pnkdaisies
Image Source: TikTok | @pnkdaisies

"The fact that you send an email saying 'disregard that signature' with the same signature," quipped @hannahbearbraun. "All of my emails for years had the name 'Gmail' as the name because I thought I was just labeling the email on my phone, not changing my name. I applied to so many jobs," said @lyndz210. "I accidentally sent several work emails from my cat's email account (He's big on Instagram)," chimed in @nonsequitariate. "Now I'm panicking about my email sign-off on the email account I've had since college. I've got to check it now," added @b_on_beat.

You can follow Jessica Stahle (@jessicastahle31) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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