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Woman poses for pictures, doesn't realize the photographer's about to capture her proposal

The photographer caught the moment by posing as a tourist taking pics of the beautiful surroundings.

Woman poses for pictures, doesn't realize the photographer's about to capture her proposal
Cover Image Source: Nick/Banff Photography

Surprises can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking, but they often create unforgettable memories of love and commitment. Photographer Nick Laferriere (@banff_photography) captured a surprise proposal that has since gone viral on TikTok, racking up over 3.8 million views. Nick shared with Upworthy that Neal had contacted him to ensure a professional photographer was present for his proposal in the breathtaking Canadian Rockies.

Initially, Neal simply intended to find a picturesque spot for his proposal, but at the last minute, they decided to enhance the surprise. "Last minute, we decided it would be great if his family member who was with him would ask me to take a photo. I looked like a tourist just taking photos of the mountains, which is quite common," Nick explained.

Nick, renowned across Canada for capturing timeless moments, suggested Neal propose on the frozen surface of Lake Louise. In the TikTok video, Nick casually photographs the stunning scenery when the designated family member approaches him and asks if he could take a few pictures of the couple, just as they had planned.

Nick plays along well and even says, "You picked the right guy. I have got my camera and everything." He takes a couple of group photographs and then singles out the couple, saying, "I can take a couple of different variations. I have time to kill." He instructs the couple to look at each other for a photograph and then asks them if he can take an "artsy" photo of them.


Neal and his now-fianceé agree and he asks them to turn their backs on each other and step away. At this exact moment, Neal turns back towards his partner and goes down on his knees with a ring in his hand. She turns back and is absolutely surprised to see and comprehend what is actually happening. Neal captures every moment between the couple while Neal says, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

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She said yes and complimented everyone for carrying out the surprise plan so well. The comments section of his video is filled with people applauding his photography and how well the proposal was carried out. TikTok user @krskur commented, "Not only was she caught off-guard but so was everyone on TikTok, that was so good!" Another person @pbredahl said, "These photos are amazing! Congrats to the newly engaged."

Nick was overwhelmed by the response to the video: "The response from the online community has been positive and reinforced the notion that love and positivity reciprocates and this moment between these two have had a positive impact on viewers around the world."

Editor's note: This article was originally published on April 7, 2023. It has since been updated.

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